单词详解 | magnitude 2022年 12月 8日 engapi 0 magnitude音标:美音:/ˈmæɡnɪtuːd/,英音:/ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Yet, as with any sale of such magnitude and complexity, until
单词详解 | priest 2022年 12月 8日 engapi 0 priest音标:美音:/priːst/,英音:/priːst/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Hundreds of Orthodox priests in Ukraine had signed an open letter demandin
单词详解 | sneeze 2022年 12月 7日 engapi 0 sneeze音标:美音:/sniːz/,英音:/sniːz/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:People can catch it through close contact and from coughs and sneezes.人们可以通过
单词详解 | contrive 2022年 12月 7日 engapi 0 contrive音标:美音:/kənˈtraɪv/,英音:/kənˈtraɪv/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:"This isn’t the disaster that some predicted – bu
单词详解 | quaint 2022年 12月 6日 engapi 0 quaint音标:美音:/kweɪnt/,英音:/kweɪnt/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:“It was kind of quaint for a while, every library had a display,” says Joh
单词详解 | mallet 2022年 12月 6日 engapi 0 mallet音标:美音:/ˈmælɪt/,英音:/ˈmælɪt/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Place the fennel seeds and black peppercorns into a small sealable plastic
单词详解 | evidently 2022年 12月 5日 engapi 0 evidently音标:美音:/ˈevɪdəntli/,英音:/ˈevɪdəntli/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:It’s a clash evidently based on events related to Roth’s 2020 d
单词详解 | eternity 2022年 12月 2日 engapi 0 eternity音标:美音:/ɪˈtɜːrnəti/,英音:/ɪˈtɜːnəti/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:Now you’re yoked together, one flesh in perpetuity — into the vas
单词详解 | deficit 2022年 12月 1日 engapi 0 deficit音标:美音:/ˈdefɪsɪt/,英音:/ˈdefɪsɪt/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:He pointed to the president’s claims of reducing the deficit and over
单词详解 | deceive 2022年 12月 1日 engapi 0 deceive音标:美音:/dɪˈsiːv/,英音:/dɪˈsiːv/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句:“If they were able to clear all those hurdles, they’re obviously very g