单词详解 | propound



Before sinking into insanity, Friedrich Nietzsche propounded a theory that still reverberates in the intelligentsia: There are no “facts,” “only interpretations.”
Washington Post

The apparent absence of any principle but power in McConnell, and his ability to propound rank dishonesty with perfect piety, should have lost the ability to shock by now.
Washington Post

The ads are also a reminder, said experts tracking the conspiracy theory, that QAnon is a moneymaking opportunity for Watkins — and for other people and groups operating platforms where the deluded philosophy is propounded.
追踪阴谋论的专家表示,这些广告也在提醒人们,QAnon 是沃特金斯的赚钱机会——对于其他运营平台的人和团体来说也是如此。
Washington Post

put forward, as of an idea
vt. 提出;提议;将……提供考虑


When you propound an idea, you put it forward. If you tell your teacher that listening to music in class would help students do their work, then you propound the idea that music can be a motivator.

The word propound is a little bit formal and often used in reference to something that’s weighty and serious. Beloved by academics of all types, you might hear someone propound, say, his theory of logocentrism in the works of Jacques Derrida. Don’t worry: you don’t need to understand the theory, you just need to understand that propound means he’s putting it out there.
propound 这个词有点正式,经常用来指一些沉重而严肃的事情。受到各类学者的喜爱,您可能会听到有人在雅克德里达的作品中提出他的逻各斯中心主义理论。别担心:你不需要理解理论,你只需要明白propound意味着他把它放在那里。

Unlike at the Bauhaus, where Walter Gropius would propound a single curriculum governed by a school manifesto, Chagall wanted the students at the People’s Art School to choose their own course of instruction.
在包豪斯,沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯 (Walter Gropius) 会提出由学校宣言管理的单一课程,夏加尔希望人民艺术学校的学生选择自己的教学课程。
Flying Goats and Black Squares, Charging Into the Future by ???

An edict that he issued in 1782, suggesting that “all our subjects, without distinction of nation and religion . . . should enjoy a legally guaranteed freedom,” was nearly as radical as anything propounded in France or America.
他在 1782 年颁布的一项法令建议“我们所有的臣民,不分民族和宗教…… . .应该享有法律保障的自由”,这几乎与法国或美国提出的任何建议一样激进。
Antonio Salieri’s Revenge by Alex Ross

The ads are also a reminder, said experts tracking the conspiracy theory, that QAnon is a moneymaking opportunity for Watkins — and for other people and groups operating platforms where the deluded philosophy is propounded.
追踪阴谋论的专家表示,这些广告也在提醒人们,QAnon 是沃特金斯的赚钱机会——对于其他运营平台的人和团体来说也是如此。
QAnon learns to survive — and even thrive — after Silicon Valley’s crackdown by ???

propound (v.)”put forward, offer for consideration,” a mid-16c. variant of Middle English proponen “to put forward, assert” (c. 1400), from Latin proponere “put forth, set forth, lay out, display, expose to view,” figuratively “set before the mind; resolve; intend, design,” from pro “before” (see pro-) + ponere “to put” (see position (n.)). With unetymological -d, perhaps by influence of compound, expound. The Latin verb in French was superseded by the word that became English propose (for which change see pose (v.1)). Related: Propounded; propounding.Related entries & more

propound (v.)“提出,供考虑”,16c 中期。中古英语 proponen 的变体“提出,断言”(约 1400 年),来自拉丁语 proponere“提出,提出,布局,展示,暴露在视野中”,比喻地“摆在脑海中;决心;打算,设计,” 来自 pro “before”(见 pro-)+ ponere “to put”(见 position (n.))。带有非词源性的 -d,可能是受复合词的影响,阐述。法语中的拉丁动词被成为英语提议的词所取代(有关更改,请参见姿势(v.1))。相关:提议; propounding.Related 条目及更多

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