每日名言 | 20230613文字加音频
20230613日名言 The road is tortuous, but the future is bright.前路虽有崎岖坎坷,未来却会光明万丈。 -? 配套音频
20230613日名言 The road is tortuous, but the future is bright.前路虽有崎岖坎坷,未来却会光明万丈。 -? 配套音频
20230612日名言 We get to decide what our story is.我们的故事由我们自己来决定。 -? 配套音频
20230610日名言 You need to face your fears.你需要直面恐惧。 -? 配套音频
20230609日名言 I can be on guard against my enemies, but God deliver me from my friends! -Charlotte Brontë 配套音频