每日名言 | 20230608文字加音频
20230608日名言 Peace is never a perfect achievement. -Kofi Annan 配套音频
20230608日名言 Peace is never a perfect achievement. -Kofi Annan 配套音频
20230607日名言 You don’t have to start from scratch to do something interesting. -Jack Dorsey 配套音频
20230606日名言 Life is 10% what you make of it, and 90% how you take it. – Irving Berlin 配套音频
20230605日名言 Whatever happens tomorrow, we have had today.不管明天会发生什么,至少我们拥有今天。 -? 配套音频
20230604日名言 Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast. -Oscar Wilde 配套音频