每日名言 | 20250321文字加音频
20250321日名言 Everyone has talent at 25. The difficulty is to have it at 50. -Edgar Degas 配套音频

每日名言 | 20250319文字加音频
20250319日名言 Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph.透过失败的迷雾,才能瞥见胜利的光辉。 -? 配套音频

20250321日名言 Everyone has talent at 25. The difficulty is to have it at 50. -Edgar Degas 配套音频
20250319日名言 Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph.透过失败的迷雾,才能瞥见胜利的光辉。 -? 配套音频