单词辨析 | sob,sober


  • sob
  • sober




含义:v. 啜泣,抽噎;哭诉,呜咽地说;(风等)发出呜咽声

英文短含义:If you’re so upset you’re crying loudly, taking in big gasps of air and heaving your chest, you are sobbing./


英文长含义:Picture a child on the playground who has fallen and can’t find his or her mother. The child’s face is red and streaked with tears, and he or she is gasping from crying so hard. This poor little boy or girl is sobbing uncontrollably. Sometimes, while trying not to cry, you might let out a single sob. A “sob story” is a story meant to make you feel bad for someone, so bad you might sob for them.

想象一个孩子在操场上摔倒了,找不到他或她的母亲。孩子的脸通红,泪流满面,哭得喘不过气来。这个可怜的小男孩或女孩正在失控地抽泣。有时,在努力不哭的同时,你可能会发出一声呜咽。 “哭泣的故事”是一个让你为某人感到难过的故事,以至于你可能会为他们哭泣。

例句1:Genie guessed whatever they talked about last night when he was upstairs praying for his own deafness and the end of Grandpop’s sobbing—the sound of black sheep—went well.
– from As Brave As You

例句2:Eugenia sobbed harder, collapsing into Moss’s shoulder, and Moss wasn’t certain he could stay upright much longer.
Eugenia 抽泣得更厉害了,倒在 Moss 的肩膀上,而 Moss 不确定他还能保持多久。
– from Anger Is a Gift

例句3:It was common to come into the bathroom and hear somebody sobbing in one of the stalls.
– from Middlesex: A Novel


含义:adj. 未喝醉的,清醒的;严肃的,冷静的;素淡的,朴素的

英文短含义:This adjective means the opposite of playful or drunk. When attending a funeral, you are expected to be sober in both senses./


英文长含义:The most common meaning of sober is “not drunk” — people who drive need to be sober. Sober sounds a lot like somber, and it often means sad and quiet too, or sometimes too serious. Another meaning is to be logical or realistic about something. Sometimes sober means drab: a grey station wagon is a more sober vehicle than a hot red convertible. All of these meanings are quiet and restrained — unlike a person who has had a lot to drink.

清醒最常见的意思是“不醉”——开车的人需要清醒。 Sober 听起来很像 Sober,它通常也意味着悲伤和安静,或者有时过于严肃。另一个含义是对某事保持逻辑或现实。有时清醒意味着单调:灰色旅行车比热红色敞篷车更清醒。所有这些意义都是安静而克制的——不像一个喝了很多酒的人。

例句1:It was brown and white, a sober and respectable room that looked to Shadow as if it had last been decorated in 1920.
这是一个棕色和白色的房间,一个清醒而体面的房间,在影子看来,好像它最后一次装修是在 1920 年。
– from American Gods

例句2:Nately’s father was a sober, philosophical and responsible man; this old man was fickle and licentious.
– from Catch-22

例句3:The sobered guests crowded close, waiting for one answer.
– from The Witch of Blackbird Pond

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