单词辨析 | splice,slice


  • splice
  • slice




含义:v. 捻接(绳子);拼接,接合(胶片等);移接(基因);使结婚

英文短含义:As noun and verb, splice refers to the overlapping or interweaving of two ends of something to create the strongest possible attachment./


英文长含义:The earliest records of the word splice are from the early 16th century, when it was borrowed from the Middle Dutch verb splissen, used by sailors for joining ropes end to end by interweaving their strands. In 1912, the infant motion-picture industry took over the word splice to refer to the cutting and joining of film in the editing process. In 1975, scientists found they could alter genes by cutting and adding chunks of DNA, creating the science of gene splicing.

splice 这个词最早的记录是从 16 世纪初开始的,当时它是从中古荷兰语动词 splissen 借来的,水手们用来通过交织绳索将绳索首尾相连。 1912年,婴儿电影业接管了“拼接”一词,指的是在剪辑过程中对电影进行剪切和拼接。 1975 年,科学家发现他们可以通过切割和添加 DNA 块来改变基因,从而创造了基因剪接科学。

例句1:Crichton is splicing strands of history and fiction here.
– from Dinosaurs — and Michael Crichton — roar again in ‘Dragon Teeth’

例句2:The boy and I will splice them when we are home.
– from The Old Man and The Sea

例句3:Word-play animations splice up the word “hear” into “he” and “ear.”
– from Can you identify?


含义:n. (切下的食物)薄片,片;(蛋糕等的)小块 ;水果切块;部分,份;<非正式>例子;(体育运动中的)斜切球,削球,侧旋球;(切片用的)薄刀,(铲食物用的)铲子

英文短含义:A slice is a narrow piece or portion of something (particularly food), like a slice of bread or a slice of pizza./


英文长含义:You can order a slice of cake or pie at your favorite bakery, or fry potatoes after cutting them into thin slices. Slice can also be used figuratively: “His brothers each own a slice of the business.” The expression “slice of life” usually describes a realistic version of life that’s depicted in a book, movie, or play. And in golfing, a slice is a stroke that makes the ball curve sharply to one side.

你可以在你最喜欢的面包店点一片蛋糕或馅饼,或者把土豆切成薄片后再煎。 Slice 也可以用来比喻:“他的兄弟们各有一份生意。” “生活片段”一词通常描述在书籍、电影或戏剧中描绘的现实生活版本。在高尔夫运动中,切球是一种使球急剧向一侧弯曲的击球。

例句1:I say my part, “You can do anything with a crispy corn dog. It slices. It dices.”
– from The Fourteenth Goldfish

例句2:“My wife tells me that I’m doing fourteen-hour days,” Miele mused one afternoon, slicing cold chicken and piling it with fresh tomatoes on toast.
“我妻子告诉我,我每天工作 14 小时,”一天下午,Miele 沉思着,将冷鸡肉切成片,然后在吐司上堆放新鲜西红柿。
– from Class Matters

例句3:There was a great horned owl that had been sliced out of a tree and came into her rescue.
– from A Bird Will Soar

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