每日名言 | 20240623文字加音频
20240623日名言 Up the bright moon rises from the sea; I share the same moment though far from thee.海上生明月,天涯共此时。 -? 配套音频
每日名言 | 20240622文字加音频
20240622日名言 Eloquent speech is not from lip to ear, but rather from heart to heart.在有说服力的演讲,讯息的传递不是由口到耳,而是由心到心。 -? 配套音频
每日名言 | 20240621文字加音频
20240621日名言 Adventure is worthwhile in itself -Amelia Earhart 配套音频
每日名言 | 20240620文字加音频
20240620日名言 No man is rich enough to buy back his own past.没有人富有到可以赎回自己的过去。 -? 配套音频