每日名言 | 20230403文字加音频
20230403日名言 Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. -U Thant 配套音频
20230403日名言 Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. -U Thant 配套音频
20230402日名言 A drop of water in need, shall be returned with a spring in deed.滴水之恩,涌泉相报。 -? 配套音频
20230401日名言 Of all things, I liked books best. -Nikola Tesla 配套音频
20230331日名言 We are all one, and if we don’t know it we will learn it the hard way. -Bayard Rustin 配套音频
20230330日名言 All art is the struggle to be, in a particular sort of way, virtuous. -Iris Murdoch 配套音频