英音/ streɪn / 美音/ streɪn /
Ticketing was introduced in 2014 to ease the strain on transport and the emergency services.
票务于 2014 年推出,旨在缓解交通和紧急服务的压力。
“I want better infrastructure in towns, and especially our town because it is expanding so much. Our schools, our dentists – everything is really under strain.”
Watson suffered a rotator cuff strain in the Titans game when he took a shot to the back of his shoulder on a running play.
—Washington Times
exert much effort or energy
reach,strive,extend,stress,try,nisus,pains,striving,straining,tense,deform,distort,tense,tense up,mental strain,nervous strain,stress,sieve,sift,filter,filter out,filtrate,separate out,puree,air,line,melodic line,melodic phrase,melody,tune,song,form,subtype,var.,variant,breed,stock,tenor
This word has many, many meanings. Athletes strain their knees, which strains the emotions of their fans. Usually, you have to strain a little to accomplish anything, like getting an A in math. A strain may also be a line, like a line of ancestry, of thought, or a melodic line in music. Maybe you have to strain to hear the quiet flute in an orchestra. Another meaning is to pass something through a filter, like tea leaves.
This word has many, many meanings. Athletes strain their knees, which strains the emotions of their fans. Usually, you have to strain a little to accomplish anything, like getting an A in math. A strain may also be a line, like a line of ancestry, of thought, or a melodic line in music. Maybe you have to strain to hear the quiet flute in an orchestra. Another meaning is to pass something through a filter, like tea leaves.
这个词有很多很多的含义。运动员拉伤膝盖,这让球迷的情绪紧张。通常,你必须付出一点努力才能完成任何事情,比如在数学中获得 A。曲调也可以是一条线,比如祖先的线、思想的线,或者音乐中的旋律线。也许你必须费尽心思才能听到管弦乐队中安静的长笛声。另一个含义是让某些东西通过过滤器,例如茶叶。
He knew the lookouts strained their eyes as never before, sweeping the horizon for an enemy sail.
—Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
“I understand,” my mom says, and I can hear the strain in her voice.
—The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm
My eyes ached from the strain of typing.
—The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros
strain (v.)c. 1300, streinen, “tie, bind, fasten, gird;” early 14c., “confine, restrain” (a body part, animal, etc.), senses now obsolete, from present-participle stem of Old French estreindre “bind tightly, clasp, squeeze,” from Latin stringere (2) “draw tight, bind tight, compress, press together.”
This is reconstructed to be from PIE root *streig- “to stroke, rub, press” (source also of Lithuanian strėgti “congeal, freeze, become stiff;” Greek strangein “twist;” Old High German strician “mends nets;” Old English streccian “to stretch;” German stramm, Dutch stram “stiff”).
Strain is attested from late 14c. as “tighten; stretch, extend; make taut; stretch to the utmost tension,” also, intransitive, “exert oneself, strive; exert a compelling force;” also “overexert (a body part), injure by overstretching.”
The sense of “press through a filter, put (a liquid) through a strainer” to purify from extraneous matter is from late 14c. (implied early 14c. in strainer); that of “to stress beyond measure, carry too far, make a forced interpretation of” is from mid-15c. Related: Strained; straining.
Transitive strain at “make a difficulty of” (1580s) echoes Matthew xxiii.24 (strain at a gnat; Tyndale has the line as Ye blind guides, which strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel), in which the sense seems to be “will strain the liquor if they find (but) a gnat in it.”Related entries & more
应变(v.)c。第1300章 1300 14世纪早期,“限制,约束”(身体部位,动物等),现在已过时的意思,源自古法语 estreindre 的现在分词词干“紧紧地捆绑,扣住,挤压”,源自拉丁语 stringere (2)“画”紧,绑紧,压缩,压在一起。”这被重构为来自 PIE 词根 *streig-“敲击、摩擦、按压”(也源自立陶宛语 strėgti“凝结、冻结、变得僵硬;”希腊语 oddin“扭曲”;古高地德语 strician“修补网;”旧英语 strecian “伸展”;德语 stramm,荷兰语 stram “僵硬”)。应变从 14 世纪末开始得到证实。如“拉紧;伸展,延伸;拉紧;伸展至最大张力”,也是不及物动词,“竭尽全力,努力;发挥强制力;”也“用力过度(身体的一部分),因过度伸展而受伤”。 “压过过滤器,将(液体)放入过滤器”以净化异物的含义是从 14 世纪末开始的。 (暗示 14 世纪初期在过滤器中); “过度强调,过分强调,强行解释”是从15世纪中期开始的。相关:紧张;使劲。 “make a困难”(1580年代)的及物应变与马太福音xxiii.24相呼应(strain at a gnat;Tyndale有句Ye blindguides,滤出一只蚊子,吞下一只骆驼),其中的意义似乎是“如果他们发现其中有(但)有蚊子,就会过滤酒。”相关条目及更多
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