英音/ kənˈkʌrənt / 美音/ kənˈkɜːrənt /
On Nov. 18, 1918 — a week after Armistice Day — he was sentenced to three concurrent 10-year sentences and lost his right to vote.
1918 年 11 月 18 日,即停战日一周后,他被同时判处三项 10 年徒刑,并失去了投票权。
—Washington Post
Chauvin later pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge and was sentenced to 21 years in federal prison, which he is now serving in Arizona concurrent with his state sentence.
肖万后来承认了一项联邦民权指控,并被判处 21 年联邦监狱徒刑,目前他在亚利桑那州服刑,同时在州服刑。
—Washington Times
He set several other sentencing additions and ordered that others run concurrent.
—Washington Times
occurring or operating at the same time
You might notice another adjective, current, in concurrent. While current refers to something that is happening right now, concurrent describes two or more things happening at the same time. A prisoner who is serving two concurrent five-year sentences will serve those prison terms together, meaning that he’ll probably get out of jail in five years rather than ten. To help you remember the meaning of concurrent, imagine two parallel kayaks being carried down a river by the current at the same time.
You might notice another adjective, current, in concurrent. While current refers to something that is happening right now, concurrent describes two or more things happening at the same time. A prisoner who is serving two concurrent five-year sentences will serve those prison terms together, meaning that he’ll probably get out of jail in five years rather than ten. To help you remember the meaning of concurrent, imagine two parallel kayaks being carried down a river by the current at the same time.
As we rise from one stage to another in the history of religious evolution we see the ranks enlightened and the number diminished of concurrent religions.
—Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion based on Psychology and History by Sabatier, Auguste
The Australian code is of course concurrent though not co-terminous with the Imperial law, and must be construed in consonance with it.
—Copyright: Its History and Its Law by Bowker, Richard Rogers
Whatever the explanation be, trance-mediumship is an excessively complex phenomenon, in which many concurrent factors are engaged.
—The Letters of William James, Vol. II by James, William
concurrent (adj.)late 14c., “acting in conjunction, contributing to the same effect or event,” from Old French concurrent or directly from Latin concurrentem (nominative concurrens), present participle of concurrere “to run together, assemble hurriedly; clash, fight,” in transferred use, “to happen at the same time” (see concur). Related: Concurrency; concurrently.
Meaning “running together side by side” is from late 15c. Meaning “combined, joint” is from 1530s. In law, concurrent jurisdiction (that possessed equally by two courts and if exercised by one not usually assumed by the other) is recorded from 1767.Related entries & more
并发(adj.)late 14c.,“联合行动,促成相同的效果或事件”,源自古法语concurrent或直接源自拉丁语concurrentem(主格concurrens),concurrere的现在分词“一起奔跑,匆忙集合;冲突” ,战斗,”在转移用法中,“同时发生”(见同意)。相关:并发;同时。 “并肩奔跑”的意思是从 15 世纪末开始的。 “联合、联合”的意思源自 1530 年代。在法律上,自 1767 年起就记录了并行管辖权(即由两个法院平等拥有,且由一个法院通常不由另一个法院行使)。相关条目及更多
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