单词详解 | resident

英音/ ˈrezɪdənt / 美音/ ˈrezɪdənt /


On Saturday morning, residents said that army aircraft could be heard flying over the city, with at least one neighborhood nearby coming under aerial bombardment.
New York Times

“We have taken a large number of statements from local residents as the result of our house-to-house enquiries,” a spokesperson said.

“A ceasefire at the current stage is a gift to the terrorist organisation Hamas, and will allow it to return and threaten the residents of Israel,” he added, according to a statement from his office.

someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there
居民,住户;(旅馆的)住宿者;<美>住院医生;<美> 寄宿制学校学生;<史>(英国政府派驻半独立国家的) 特派代表;驻外特工;留鸟,无迁徙习性的蝴蝶(或其他动物)

occupant,occupier,nonmigratory,house physician,resident physician

You are a resident of wherever you live — your house, town, planet. (Let’s assume we’re all residents of Earth.) It’s where you were born or where you’ve lived for awhile. Doctors who have their medical licenses but need more training become residents of hospitals. Animals that don’t migrate are residents, too. Although it’s usually a noun, it can be an adjective, like in the horror movie no one wants to live in, “Resident Evil.”

You are a resident of wherever you live — your house, town, planet. (Let’s assume we’re all residents of Earth.) It’s where you were born or where you’ve lived for awhile. Doctors who have their medical licenses but need more training become residents of hospitals. Animals that don’t migrate are residents, too. Although it’s usually a noun, it can be an adjective, like in the horror movie no one wants to live in, “Resident Evil.”
无论你住在哪里——你的房子、城镇、星球,你都是居民。 (假设我们都是地球上的居民。)这是您出生的地方或您居住了一段时间的地方。拥有行医执照但需要更多培训的医生成为医院住院医生。不迁徙的动物也是居民。虽然它通常是一个名词,但它也可以是一个形容词,就像在没有人愿意生活的恐怖电影“生化危机”中一样。

Now the residents of the city forged an American dream of steel girders, fashioning opportunity with fire and iron.
Ophie’s Ghosts by Justina Ireland

Between our apartment building and the park entrance are two more buildings, so we stand in front of them for ten minutes to talk to the residents coming in and out.
A Soft Place to Land by Janae Marks

Longtime residents have not forgotten 1978s infamous Night of a Thousand Flames, when KKK groups from all over the West gathered in the county and ringed the foothills around Chokecherry with burning crosses…
老居民没有忘记 1978 年臭名昭著的千焰之夜,当时来自西部各地的三K党团体聚集在该县,用燃烧的十字架环绕乔科切里周围的山麓……
Linked by Gordon Korman

resident (n.)mid-15c., “an inhabitant, one who dwells in a place permanently or for a considerable time,” from resident (adj.). Meaning “medical graduate doing supervised specialized practice in a hospital as training” is attested by 1892, American English.Related entries & more

resident (n.)mid-15c.,“居民,永久居住在一个地方或居住相当长一段时间的人”,来自 resident (adj.)。 1892 年美式英语证实了“医学毕业生在医院进行受监督的专业实践作为培训”的意思。相关条目及更多

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