The approach has left China isolated from the world and taken a grim toll on its economy.
—New York Times
Many countries are already seeing major effects of the invasion of Ukraine on their economies, and the IMF’s grim projections are in line with other forecasts for declines in growth.
—Washington Times
This makes “Tár” sound grim, which it isn’t.
—Washington Post
harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
adj. 严肃的,坚定的;令人不快的,令人沮丧的;阴森的,凄凉的;<非正式>生病的;<英,非正式>质量低劣,糟糕;(地方)简陋的
dour,forbidding,ghastly,grisly,gruesome,macabre,sick,blue,depressed,dispirited,down,down in the mouth,downcast,downhearted,gloomy,low,low-spirited,black,mordant,blue,dark,dingy,disconsolate,dismal,drab,drear,dreary,gloomy,sorry,inexorable,relentless,stern,unappeasable,unforgiving,unrelenting,
Things that are gloomy, stark, ghastly, and somber are grim. Sunshine, puppies, and rainbows are not grim; zombies, reapers, and mummies are grim. Less scary things like drizzly, foggy days can also be called grim.
Two famous uses of the adjective grim are the Grim Reaper and Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Mr. Reaper shows up in movies and books wearing a long, hooded black cape and carrying a scythe, or long-handled blade used, in less grim circumstances, for mowing grass and reaping grain: he represents death. The real-life German brothers wrote some bone-chilling tales under their own name, Grimm, meaning "cruel, fierce," which is related to the English word grim. Modern grim things include crime-drama images of dead bodies and characters in horror movies.
The family home in the north—Briony imagined streets of blackened mills, and grim men trudging to work with sandwiches in tin boxes.
—Atonement by Ian McEwan
He had to be held back by the great-breasted ones and their husbands grim.
—Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir by Frank McCourt
Everyone starts eating it, but the mood in the room is grim.
—A Soft Place to Land by Janae Marks
grim (adj.)Old English grimm "fierce, cruel, savage; severe, dire, painful," from Proto-Germanic grimma- (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German grimm "grim, angry, fierce," Old Norse grimmr "stern, horrible, dire," Swedish grym "fierce, furious"), from PIE ghremno- "angry," which is perhaps imitative of the sound of rumbling thunder (compare Greek khremizein "to neigh," Old Church Slavonic vuzgrimeti "to thunder," Russian gremet’ "thunder").
A weaker word now than it once was; sense of "dreary, gloomy" first recorded late 12c. It also had a verb form in Old English, grimman (class III strong verb; past tense gramm, past participle grummen), and a noun, grima "goblin, specter," perhaps also a proper name or attribute-name of a god, hence its appearance as an element in place names.
Grim reaper as a figurative phrase for "death" is attested by 1847 (the association of grim and death goes back at least to 17c.). A Middle English expression for "have recourse to harsh measures" was to wend the grim tooth (early 13c.).Related entries & more
grim (adj.) 古英语 grimm “凶猛,残忍,野蛮;严重,可怕,痛苦,”源自原始日耳曼语 grimma- (也源自古撒克逊语、古弗里斯兰语、古高地德语,德语 grimm “grim,anger,凶猛”,古诺尔斯语 grimmr “严厉,可怕,可怕”,瑞典语 grym “凶猛,愤怒”),源自 PIE ghremno- “愤怒”,这可能模仿了隆隆的雷声(比较希腊语 khremizein “与 neigh, “老教堂斯拉夫语 vuzgrimeti “雷声”,俄语 gremet “雷声”)。现在这个词比以前弱了; “沉闷,阴郁”的感觉首先记录在 12c 后期。它在古英语中也有动词形式 grimman(III 类强动词;过去时 gramm,过去分词 grummen)和名词 grima “妖精,幽灵”,也许也是神的专有名称或属性名称,因此它作为地名中的一个元素出现。 Grim reaper 作为“死亡”的比喻性短语在 1847 年得到证实(冷酷与死亡的联系至少可以追溯到 17c。)。一个中古英语表达“诉诸严厉措施”的意思是咬牙切齿(13 世纪早期)。相关条目及更多
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