单词详解 | ideology

英音/ ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi / 美音/ ˌaɪdiˈɑːlədʒi /


A bailout would also not fit with the ideology of China’s leadership.

The Pentagon analysts said Chinese President Xi Jinping is directing an effort to impose “structural changes” on the international system as part of a “clash of ideologies” — with the United States the main target.
Washington Times

He was a bright pragmatist who didn’t seem so concerned with ideology.

an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

political orientation,political theory

Capitalism, communism, socialism, and Marxism are ideologies. But not all -ism words are. Think: cronyism (a system of graft whereby friends unfairly help each other make money.) Our English noun is from French idéologie. The suffix –logy, used with many English words describing theories or doctrines, is from Greek logos “word, reason, speech, account.”

Capitalism, communism, socialism, and Marxism are ideologies. But not all -ism words are. Think: cronyism (a system of graft whereby friends unfairly help each other make money.) Our English noun is from French idéologie. The suffix –logy, used with many English words describing theories or doctrines, is from Greek logos “word, reason, speech, account.”
资本主义、共产主义、社会主义、马克思主义都是意识形态。但并非所有的“主义”词语都是如此。想一想:任人唯亲(一种贪污制度,朋友们不公平地帮助彼此赚钱。)我们的英语名词来自法语idéologie。后缀 –logy 与许多描述理论或学说的英语单词一起使用,来自希腊语 logos“单词、原因、演讲、帐户”。

“State religion and imperial ideology,” Kolata argued, “performed much the same work as military conquest, but at significantly lower cost.”
1491 by Charles C. Mann

There are four kinds—class, ideology, region, and race.
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

We were headed home—home being the strange-familiar city of Washington, D.C., with its white marble and clashing ideologies, with everything that still needed to be fought and won.
Becoming by Michelle Obama

ideology (n.)1796, “science of ideas,” originally “philosophy of the mind which derives knowledge from the senses” (as opposed to metaphysics), from French idéologie “study or science of ideas,” coined by French philosopher Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) from idéo- “of ideas,” from Greek idea (see idea) + -logie (see -logy). With connective -o- because the elements are Greek and the Greek combining vowel is -o- for nouns of all declensions. Destutt published his Eléments d’idéologie 1801-1815.

The term
ideology did not become widely employed in the nineteenth century, however, and I have not found that Emerson ever used it. It was only after the appearance of Karl Marx’s long unpublished
The German Ideology and Karl Mannheim’s
Ideology and Utopia in the period between the world wars of the twentieth century that the term became an omnipresent one. [Lewis P. Simpson, “Mind and the American Civil War,” 1989]

Meaning “systematic set of ideas, doctrines through which the world is interpreted” was in use in English by 1907, earliest in socialist and communist writing, with reference to class; from 1918 it came to be used of socialism and communism themselves (along with fascism) and later more broadly still.

Ideology … is usually taken to mean, a prescriptive doctrine that is not supported by rational argument. [D.D. Raphael, “Problems of Political Philosophy,” 1970]
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ideology (n.)1796,“观念的科学”,最初是“从感官中获取知识的心灵哲学”(与形而上学相反),源自法语 idéologie“观念的研究或科学”,由法国哲学家 Destutt de 创造Tracy (1754-1836) 源自 idéo-“观念”,源自希腊语 idea(参见 idea)+ -logie(参见 -logy)。使用连接词 -o-,因为这些元素是希腊语,并且希腊语组合元音是 -o-,用于所有词形变化的名词。德斯塔特出版了他的《意识形态要素1801-1815》。然而,意识形态这个词在十九世纪并没有被广泛使用,而且我也没有发现爱默生曾经使用过它。直到二十世纪两次世界大战期间,卡尔·马克思长期未出版的《德意志意识形态》和卡尔·曼海姆的《意识形态与乌托邦》出现之后,这一术语才变得无所不在。 [Lewis P. Simpson,“心灵与美国内战”,1989] 意思是“解释世界的系统化的思想和学说”,最早出现在社会主义和共产主义著作中,最早出现在 1907 年的英语中。班级;从1918年开始,它开始被用来指社会主义和共产主义本身(以及法西斯主义),后来更广泛地被使用。意识形态……通常被认为是指一种不受理性论证支持的规定性学说。 [DD Raphael,“政治哲学问题”,1970 年] 相关条目及更多

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