单词详解 | parson

英音/ ˈpɑːsn / 美音/ ˈpɑːrsn /


When a country parson published the first two volumes of the rollicking, digressive The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, in 1759, it quickly became a publishing sensation.
1759 年,一位乡村牧师出版了欢快离题的《绅士崔斯特瑞姆·项狄的生平与观点》的前两卷,该书很快引起了出版界的轰动。
The Guardian

Despite there being two servants to look after the modestly sized parsonage and one modestly sized parson, Emily made a case for needing to be onsite as an extra housekeeper.
The Guardian

Zippy, a parson Jack Russell, is 18 years and two months old.
Zippy,杰克·拉塞尔牧师,今年 18 岁零两个月。

a person authorized to conduct religious worship

curate,minister,minister of religion,pastor,rector

Historically, parson has been what Anglican church members call their minister or priest, but the term can also be used as a generic term for “clergy member.” You might ask a parson to preside at your wedding, or to officiate at your grandmother’s funeral, for example. Experts are uncertain about the exact origins of parson, although one theory says it’s a shortened form of the Latin persona ecclesiae, “person of the church.”

Historically, parson has been what Anglican church members call their minister or priest, but the term can also be used as a generic term for “clergy member.” You might ask a parson to preside at your wedding, or to officiate at your grandmother’s funeral, for example. Experts are uncertain about the exact origins of parson, although one theory says it’s a shortened form of the Latin persona ecclesiae, “person of the church.”
从历史上看,牧师一直被英国国教教会成员称为牧师或牧师,但该术语也可以用作“神职人员”的通用术语。例如,您可能会请牧师主持您的婚礼,或者主持您祖母的葬礼。专家们不确定牧师的确切起源,尽管有一种理论认为它是拉丁语 persona ecclesiae(“教会的人”)的缩写形式。

The parson’s blood-splattering fall is the first of many murders that will leave the audience howling with laughter.
‘A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder’ kills it at the Ahmanson by Los Angeles Times

His father, Lord Saxby, had a romantic passion for the daughter of a country parson—a queer, cross-grained old scholar.
The Early Life and Adventures of Sylvia Scarlett by MacKenzie, Compton

They have to think of the future: Ma, as the parson’s widow, is allowed to stay in the house only for a year.
Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers by Deborah Heiligman

parson (n.)late 13c., person (late 12c. as a surname), “parish priest” (later often applied to a clergyman in general), from Anglo-French and Old French persone “curate, parson, holder of Church office” (12c.), from Medieval Latin persona “parson” (see person). The reason for the ecclesiastical use is obscure; it might refer to the “person” legally holding church property, or it may be an abbreviation of persona ecclesiae “person of the church.” The shift to a spelling with -a- begins late 13c. in surnames. Related: Parsonic.  Parson’s nose “the rump of a fowl” is attested by 1834.Related entries & more

parson (n.)late 13c.,人(12c.晚期作为姓氏),“教区牧师”(后来通常用于一般的牧师),源自英法语和古法语 persone “牧师,牧师,教会的持有者办公室”(12c.),源自中世纪拉丁语角色“parson”(见人)。教会使用的原因尚不清楚。它可能指的是合法持有教会财产的“人”,也可能是 persona ecclesiae“教会的人”的缩写。拼写为 -a- 的转变始于 13c 后期。在姓氏中。相关:帕索尼克。帕森斯的鼻子“鸡的臀部”已于 1834 年得到证实。相关条目及更多

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