单词详解 | phony

英音/ ˈfəʊni / 美音/ ˈfoʊni /


The phony campaign claimed Mattel would abandon recycled plastic materials, lobby for a federal ban on nonessential plastics and convert its facilities to all-natural manufacturing.
Washington Times

Pretending to represent a phony government agency, one researcher contacted 644 older adults in the Chicago area about a potential compromise of personal information related to their Social Security and Medicare benefits.
一名研究人员假装代表一个虚假的政府机构,联系了芝加哥地区的 644 名老年人,询问其社会保障和医疗保险福利相关的个人信息可能受到泄露。
Washington Times

This is quite a reversal from the Trump years, when the media fell for every phony accusation, including the Steele dossier, the two-year Russia collusion hoax, and two purely political impeachments.
Washington Times

fraudulent; having a misleading appearance


Use the adjective phony to describe anything that’s fake. If you’re making phony money in the basement, you’ll be in trouble if you get caught using it. Phony has a noun version with a similar meaning. If you say someone or something is a phony, then you’re saying it isn’t what it pretends to be. Someone who’s a phony isn’t sincere, like your classmate who pretended to be your best friend just to try to steal your boyfriend.

Use the adjective phony to describe anything that’s fake. If you’re making phony money in the basement, you’ll be in trouble if you get caught using it. Phony has a noun version with a similar meaning. If you say someone or something is a phony, then you’re saying it isn’t what it pretends to be. Someone who’s a phony isn’t sincere, like your classmate who pretended to be your best friend just to try to steal your boyfriend.
使用形容词 phony 来描述任何假的东西。如果你在地下室赚钱,一旦被发现使用它,你就会有麻烦。 Phony 有一个具有类似含义的名词版本。如果你说某人或某物是假的,那么你就是在说它不是它所假装的那样。虚伪的人并不真诚,就像你的同学假装是你最好的朋友,只是为了抢你的男朋友。

Then, when she was all done whispering and being cute as hell, she’d sing some dopey song, half in English and half in French, and drive all the phonies in the place mad with joy.
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

“I think Grandpa makes up phony excuses for her not being around. This is a dangerous place. He has lied about other things. I get the feeling he’s trying to protect us from the truth.”
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

I spent the whole night necking with a terrible phony named Anne Louise Sherman.
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

phony (adj.)also phoney, “not genuine,” 1899, perhaps an alteration of fawney “gilt brass ring used by swindlers.”

His most successful swindle was selling “painted” or “phony” diamonds. He had a plan of taking cheap stones, and by “doctoring” them make them have a brilliant and high class appearance. His confederates would then take the diamonds to other pawnbrokers and dispose of them. [“The Jewelers Review,” New York, April 5, 1899]

The noun meaning “phony person or thing” is attested from 1902.Related entries & more

phony (adj.) 也是假的,“不是真的”,1899 年,可能是 fawney“骗子使用的镀金黄铜戒指”的变形。他最成功的诈骗是出售“彩绘”或“假冒”钻石。他有一个计划,取廉价的石头,通过“改造”它们,使它们拥有光彩夺目的高级外观。然后,他的同伙会将钻石带到其他当铺并处理掉。 [《珠宝商评论》,纽约,1899 年 4 月 5 日] 自 1902 年以来,这个名词的意思是“虚假的人或事物”。相关条目及更多

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