英音/ ˈdræstɪk / 美音/ ˈdræstɪk /
Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said the Indian government made repeated requests for Twitter to take down posts and threatened drastic action against the social media site if its requests were not met.
Twitter 前首席执行官杰克·多尔西 (Jack Dorsey) 表示,印度政府多次要求 Twitter 删除帖子,并威胁称,如果不满足其要求,将对该社交媒体网站采取严厉行动。
—Washington Times
When he was 16, he said, the drastic cutting of the public budgets cost his mother, a kindergarten teacher, her job.
他说,16 岁时,公共预算的大幅削减让他的母亲(一名幼儿园老师)失去了工作。
—New York Times
To force Mr. Modi to answer questions on the issue, India’s opposition parties resorted to something drastic last week: a no-confidence motion against his government in Parliament.
—New York Times
forceful and extreme and rigorous
The word drastic comes from the Greek word for effective, but we use it to mean incredibly effective. If you want a drastic makeover, get rid of all your clothes, change your hair completely, and pick up a new way of speaking. Sometimes drastic action goes too far and so has bad consequences. A bankrupt company might make a drastic decision to fire the management without figuring out how to manage itself in the future.
激烈的东西是暴力的、有力的和极端的。如果您正在为买车存钱,而您只有 50 美元,那么您需要对您的储蓄计划做出重大改变。
The word drastic comes from the Greek word for effective, but we use it to mean incredibly effective. If you want a drastic makeover, get rid of all your clothes, change your hair completely, and pick up a new way of speaking. Sometimes drastic action goes too far and so has bad consequences. A bankrupt company might make a drastic decision to fire the management without figuring out how to manage itself in the future.
Of course, some symptoms required slightly more drastic measures to effect a cure.
—An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 by Jim Murphy
I noticed with envy that she had escaped drastic coiffuric ministrations; her pale, silvery-blond hair hung down her back in two neat braids.
—The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
If Ambrose was willing to go to these lengths, I could only imagine what drastic measures he would take if he didn’t need to maintain a semblance of civility.
—The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
drastic (adj.)1690s, originally of medicines, “forceful, vigorous,” especially in effect on bowels, from Greek drastikos “effective, efficacious; active, violent,” from drasteon “(thing) to be done,” from drāo “to do, make, act, perform” (especially some great deed, whether good or bad), which is of uncertain etymology. Sense of “extreme, severe, acting with force or violence” is recorded by 1808. Related: Drastically.Related entries & more
drastic(形容词)1690年代,最初指药物,“强有力的,有力的”,特别是对肠道的作用,源自希腊语drastikos“有效的,有效的;活跃的,暴力的”,源自drasteon“(要做的事情)”,源自drāo“做、制作、行动、执行”(尤其是一些伟大的行为,无论是好还是坏),其词源不确定。 1808 年记录了“极端、严重、使用武力或暴力”的感觉。相关:Dragally。相关条目及更多
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