单词辨析 | prescription,perspective


  • prescription
  • perspective


含义:n. 处方,药方;处方药;开处方,开药方;<正式>解决方法,诀窍;<法律>取得的时效(根据长期或不确定时期持续使用或以长期习惯为基础确立的要求权)(=positive prescription))

英文短含义:A prescription is an order written by a doctor for someone to get a drug that is not available without this permission. If you get a bad ear infection, you’ll need a prescription for antibiotics./


英文长含义:When your doctor writes a prescription, she’s advising you to take a medication that you can only get from a pharmacist. You can refer to the paper with the drug’s name and the doctor’s signature and the bottle of medicine as a prescription. Sometimes prescription is used in a non-medical way to simply mean a suggestion or recommendation, like laughter and friends — a great prescription for chasing away the blues.


例句1:Whenever we had a prescription filled, the druggist put candy in the medicine bag.
– from The Woman Warrior

例句2:He sent a prescription for a sedative, but Mom didn’t give it to me.
– from Out of My Mind

例句3:At least my battle with bad skin felt like a disorder I could somewhat control, but there were no over-the-counter creams or prescription pills that could decrease the size of my famously large Persian nose.
– from Americanized


含义:n. (观察问题的)视角,观点;透视(画)法;(几何)透视关系,投影比例;洞察力,判断力;景观,远景;角度;(声音)立体效果

英文短含义:Your perspective is the way you see something. If you think that toys corrupt children’s minds, then from your perspective a toy shop is an evil place./


英文长含义:Perspective has a Latin root meaning “look through” or “perceive,” and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. If you observe the world from a dog’s perspective, you see through the dog’s eyes. In drawing, perspective gives your drawing the appearance of depth or distance. If we say someone “has perspective,” we mean she has a sensible outlook on life.

Perspective 有一个拉丁词根,意思是“透视”或“感知”,透视的所有含义都与观看有关。如果你从狗的角度观察世界,你就会通过狗的眼睛看东西。在绘图中,透视使您的绘图具有深度或距离的外观。如果我们说某人“有远见”,我们的意思是她对生活有明智的看法。

例句1:From the perspective of beings as large as we are, the loops look like points because they are so tiny.
– from Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

例句2:She had scolded them for it at the time, but now she chose to take a different perspective on the incident.
– from The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I: The Mysterious Howling

例句3:As we change our perspective, we see their apparent shapes distort severely.
– from Cosmos

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