英音/ ˈdɪvi / 美音/ ˈdɪvi /
Still, negotiators are vexed about how to divvy those funds.
—Washington Times
And it would mean a potentially fractious divorce as assets are divvied up and precious revenue sources are fought over.
—Washington Post
“Our goal is to resist the temptation to divvy up these funds into 10,000 photo ops,” Ms. Wu said, “and instead truly focus on transformational change.”
“我们的目标是抵制住将这些资金分配到 10,000 张照片的诱惑,”吴女士说,“而是真正专注于转型变革。”
—New York Times
separate into parts or portions
carve up,dissever,divide,separate,split,split up
If you and a friend have a lemonade stand, you’ll divvy up the proceeds at the end of the day, sharing the money. You can also divvy other things: “Let’s divvy this painting job — you do the trim, and I’ll paint the walls.” As a noun, a divvy is a share or a part of something — the word, from American English, is a shortened version of dividend, a divided payment, from the Latin dividendum, “thing to be divided.”
If you and a friend have a lemonade stand, you’ll divvy up the proceeds at the end of the day, sharing the money. You can also divvy other things: “Let’s divvy this painting job — you do the trim, and I’ll paint the walls.” As a noun, a divvy is a share or a part of something — the word, from American English, is a shortened version of dividend, a divided payment, from the Latin dividendum, “thing to be divided.”
如果您和朋友有一个柠檬水摊,那么您将在一天结束时平分收益,分享这笔钱。你还可以分担其他事情:“让我们分担粉刷工作——你负责修剪,我来粉刷墙壁。”作为名词,divvy 是某物的份额或一部分——这个词来自美式英语,是股息(dividend)的缩写形式,即分割的付款,来自拉丁语股息,“要分割的东西”。
He draws a line between these lords and those who divvied up Appalachia’s land from afar.
—The Story of Appalachia, With Plenty of Villains by Dwight Garner
The answer depended on how the Southside was divvied up between the two schools in the aftermath of the court battle.
—Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, And A Dream by H.G. Bissinger
Equally important, census numbers help decide how to divvy up more than $675 billion in federal money each year.
同样重要的是,人口普查数据有助于决定每年如何分配超过 6,750 亿美元的联邦资金。
—Census 2020 means it’s time for Americans to be counted by ???
divvy (v.)”to divide (up),” 1877, American English, originally a noun (1865), a slang shortening of dividend. The verb is primary now (the noun is not in “Webster’s New World Dictionary”), leading some (such as “Webster’s”) to think the word is a slang alteration of divide. Related: Divvying. In early 20c. British slang the same word was a shortening of divine (adj.).Related entries & more
divvy (v.)“划分(向上)”,1877 年,美式英语,最初是一个名词 (1865),是股息的俚语缩写。现在这个动词是主要的(这个名词不在《韦氏新世界词典》中),导致一些人(例如“Webster’s”)认为这个词是俚语中divide的变体。相关:分配。 20世纪初期。英国俚语中,同一个词是神的(形容词)的缩写。相关条目及更多
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