That Smetana was losing his hearing as he composed the piece seems like more than arcane biographical trivia; as the piece unfolds, one suspects it accounts for the music’s indulgence in meticulous depiction.
—Washington Post
It’s a first-hand example of the meticulous planning which goes into his diet and weight cut before each fight.
Their most meticulous songs fold it like origami.
—Washington Post
marked by precise accordance with details
adj. 一丝不苟的,注意细节的
Someone who is meticulous pays extreme attention to detail. If that person is, say, your surgeon or your accountant, you’ll definitely want them to be meticulous!
The Latin root of meticulous is metus, which means "fear." Someone who’s meticulous is afraid of what will happen if they’re not careful enough to get every detail right. "Detail-oriented" and "perfectionist" are other ways of describing someone who cares deeply about the small things and about getting things exactly right, every time. Concert pianists must be meticulous, because audiences are always listening for wrong notes.
meticulous 的拉丁词根是 metus,意思是“恐惧”。一丝不苟的人害怕如果他们不够小心,没有把每一个细节都做好,会发生什么。 “注重细节”和“完美主义者”是描述一个人的其他方式,他们非常关心小事情,并且每次都把事情做得完全正确。音乐会钢琴家必须一丝不苟,因为观众总是在听错误的音符。
That minor mystery put to rest, Auri and I began a meticulous investigation of Billows.
解决了这个小谜团后,我和 Auri 开始对 Billows 进行细致的调查。
—The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Each night, with meticulous care, Homer opened his satchel and removed a set of manacles.
—The Underground Railroad: A Novel by Colson Whitehead
I had ever considered myself, up until that point, as possessed of a meticulous and even over-fastidious disposition.
—The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume II: The Kingdom on the Waves by M.T. Anderson
meticulous (adj.)1530s, "fearful, timid," a sense now obsolete, from Latin meticulosus, metuculosus "fearful, timid," literally "full of fear," from metus "fear, dread, apprehension, anxiety," a word of unknown origin. The old word seems to have become archaic after c. 1700, fossilized in a passage of Sir Thomas Browne, though it turns up occasionally and obscurely as late as 1807.
It began to return to English in a sense of "fussy about details" by 1840s, from French méticuleux "timorously fussy" [Fowler, who rails against it, attributes this use in English to "literary critics"], the French descendant of the Latin word, but it took time for this to percolate. Meticulous appears 1852 in Halliwell’s "Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words" (with the definition "timorous") and is marked "obsolete" in Craig’s dictionary of the same year. It was listed by Richard Trench ["English Past and Present," 1868], who started the movement that became the OED, among the words that had been "rejected and disallowed by the true linguistic instincts of the national mind."
It is marked archaic in the Imperial Dictionary (1883), which has only the sense "timid," but not so marked in Century Dictionary (1890), which defines it as "Timid; over-careful." It was much criticized, and somewhat defended, in writerly publications c. 1914-1924. Related: Meticulosity.
meticulous (adj.)1530s,“恐惧、胆怯”,现在已经过时了,来自拉丁语 meticulosus,metuculosus “恐惧、胆小”,字面意思是“充满恐惧”,来自 metus “恐惧、恐惧、忧虑、焦虑”一个词来历不明。在 c 之后,这个旧词似乎已经过时了。 1700 年,在 Thomas Browne 爵士的一段话中变成了化石,尽管它在 1807 年时偶尔出现且晦涩难懂。到 1840 年代,它开始以“对细节挑剔”的感觉回到英语,源自法语 méticuleux “胆怯的挑剔” [Fowler反对它的人将英语中的这种用法归因于拉丁词的法语后裔“文学评论家”],但这需要时间才能渗透。 Meticulous 于 1852 年出现在 Halliwell 的“古代和省级词汇词典”(定义为“胆怯”)中,并在同年的 Craig 词典中被标记为“过时”。它被理查德·特伦奇(“English Past and Present”,1868 年)所列出,他发起了后来成为 OED 的运动,在“被民族思想的真正语言本能拒绝和不允许”的词中。它在帝国词典(1883 年)中被标记为过时,只有“胆小”的意思,但在世纪词典(1890 年)中没有如此标记,将其定义为“胆小;过度小心”。在写作出版物中,它受到了很多批评,并受到了一定程度的捍卫。 1914-1924 年。相关:Meticulosity.
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