Foreseeing the likelihood of a German invasion, the museum’s shrewd director, Jacques Jaujard, was already making plans to move the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo and other treasures out of harm’s way.
博物馆精明的馆长雅克·乔雅尔(Jacques Jaujard)预见到了德国入侵的可能性,已经制定了计划,将《蒙娜丽莎》、《米洛的维纳斯》和其他珍宝转移到远离危险的地方。
—Washington Post
The latest, “Miscellaneous Letters,” again shows the “Sage of Providence” as funny, self-mocking, critically shrewd and exceptionally painstaking in answering his mail.
—Washington Post
While the world is spiraling out of control, Hestia, advised by her closest confidante, Mildred, a shrewd 84-year-old widow, must decide whether a contented life is possible, or even worth pursuing at all.
当世界正在失控时,赫斯提亚在她最亲密的知己、精明的 84 岁寡妇米尔德里德的建议下,必须决定是否有可能过上满足的生活,甚至是否值得追求。
—Washington Post
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
adj. (人)精明的,机敏的;(决定和判断)精明的,准确的;(打击)沉重的,尖锐的;邪恶的,恶意的;<古>(尤指天气)寒冷刺骨的,凛冽的
The word shrewd is from a Middle English adjective formed from the noun schrewe, “an evil person, a villain.” This Middle English noun is an earlier form of our modern English word shrew. So shrewd and shrew are related to each other. Shrewd doesn’t usually have a disapproving or negative tone, but shrew certainly does.
The word shrewd is from a Middle English adjective formed from the noun schrewe, “an evil person, a villain.” This Middle English noun is an earlier form of our modern English word shrew. So shrewd and shrew are related to each other. Shrewd doesn’t usually have a disapproving or negative tone, but shrew certainly does.
精明一词源自中古英语形容词,由名词 schrewe 组成,意为“邪恶的人,恶棍”。这个中古英语名词是现代英语单词泼妇的早期形式。所以精明和泼妇是有联系的。精明的人通常不会有不赞成或消极的语气,但精明的人肯定有。
“Dear old Hogwarts,” he said, looking up at the castle and smiling; his teeth were rather yellow, and Harry noticed that his smile did not extend to his eyes, which remained cold and shrewd.
—Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire by J. K. Rowling
Returning, he looked at me sharply, his withered face an animated black walnut with shrewd, reddish eyes.
—Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
He leaned forward slightly and his manner took on a shrewd and significant air.
—Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
shrewd (adj.)c. 1300, shreued, “wicked, depraved, malicious, evil,” from shrewe “wicked man” (see shrew) + -ed. Compare crabbed from crab (n.), dogged from dog (n.), wicked from witch (n.), all from early Middle English.The weaker or neutral sense of “cunning, sly, artful, clever or keen-witted in practical affairs,” hence “acute, sagacious” is recorded from 1510s. Related: Shrewdly; shrewdness. Strutt’s “Sports and Pastimes of the People of England” (1801) and a mid-15th century list of terms of association have a shrewdness of apes for a company or group of them. Shrewdie “cunning person” is by 1916.Related entries & more
精明的(形容词)c. 1300,shrued,“邪恶的,堕落的,恶意的,邪恶的”,来自 shrewe“邪恶的人”(参见泼妇)+-ed。比较“crabbed”与“crab”(n.)、“dogged”与“dog”(n.)、“wicked”与“witch”(n.),所有这些都来自早期中古英语。实际事务”,因此“敏锐、睿智”是从1510年代开始记录的。相关:精明;城府。斯特拉特的《英格兰人民的体育和消遣》(1801)和一份 15 世纪中叶的协会条款清单对于一个公司或一群人来说有着猿类的精明。 Shrewdie “狡猾的人”是 1916 年。相关条目及更多
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