German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock insisted this proposal shouldn’t detract from the need to drastically cut fossil fuel use, a position shared by other European nations and vulnerable island states present at the Berlin talks.
—Washington Times
The briefing notes the potential for worsening tensions among Mexico’s armed forces, “a dispute that will likely exacerbate their existing rivalry and further detract from their ability to conduct joint operations.”
—Washington Post
But these are minor flaws and don’t detract from the sheer power of the central stories.
—Washington Post
take away a part from; diminish
vt. 转移,使分心
take away
The verb detract comes from the Latin word detrahere, meaning “draw away from,” or “take down.” If you detract from someone’s credibility, you reduce — or take down — that person’s worth. When you make valid points opposing an argument a politician is making, you detract from her platform. Detract can also describe drawing attention away from something. If the politician then makes a public display of her humanity, she’s trying to detract attention away from your arguments.
The verb detract comes from the Latin word detrahere, meaning “draw away from,” or “take down.” If you detract from someone’s credibility, you reduce — or take down — that person’s worth. When you make valid points opposing an argument a politician is making, you detract from her platform. Detract can also describe drawing attention away from something. If the politician then makes a public display of her humanity, she’s trying to detract attention away from your arguments.
动词 detract 来自拉丁词 detrahere,意思是“远离”或“取消”。如果你贬低某人的信誉,你就会降低——或降低——那个人的价值。当你提出有效的观点来反对政客提出的论点时,你就会贬低她的平台。减损也可以描述将注意力从某事上移开。如果政客随后公开展示她的人性,她就是在试图将注意力从你的论点上转移开。
Wood has spent a good part of her life since meeting Manson trying to both survive him and getting people to believe her, which detracts from her extraordinary talent and work.
—Evan Rachel Wood’s “Phoenix Rising” and the art of trauma by Alison Stine
But the actor misses a chance to make Ferdinand’s relationship to the Duchess interestingly nuanced — an omission that detracts from the power of the play.
—‘Duchess of Malfi’ at Capital Fringe: A brisk tale of revenge by ???
The cold does not detract from the area’s beauty: Tiwanaku sits in the middle of a plain ringed by ice-capped mountains.
—1491 by Charles C. Mann
detract (v.)early 15c., detracten, “disparage, defame, slander,” from Latin detractus, past participle of detrahere “to take down, pull down, disparage,” from de “down” (see de-) + trahere “to pull” (see tract (n.1)). Literal sense of “take away, withdraw” (c. 1500) is rare in English. Related: Detracted; detracting.Related entries & more
detract (v.)early 15c., detracten,“贬低、诽谤、诽谤”,来自拉丁语 detractus,detrahere 的过去分词“to take down, pull down, disparage”,来自 de “down”(见 de-)+ trahere “拉”(见道(n.1))。 “take away, withdraw”(约 1500 年)的字面意思在英语中很少见。相关:心烦意乱;减损。相关条目及更多
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