Trump gloated over Cox’s success over Schulz on Tuesday night, writing in a statement, “RINO Larry Hogan’s Endorsement doesn’t seem to be working out so well for his heavily favored candidate.”
—Washington Times
Some of his perennial foils were openly gloating that they would never allow him to become speaker.
—New York Times
Earlier, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken accused Iran’s state media of gloating about the attack, calling its behaviour “despicable”.
dwell on with satisfaction
vi. 幸灾乐祸;心满意足地注视
If you gloat, you express great satisfaction at the misfortune of others. If your team scores a big win, it would be better not to gloat. Be happy for your win, but don’t laugh at the other team’s loss.
Gloat seems have come from a Germanic word meaning “to stare.” Somehow people may have gotten the sense that whoever was doing the staring was also taking a deep and unwholesome pleasure in whatever he or she was seeing. Think about people staring and pointing and laughing. Sometimes you gloat when someone has rejected the help you have offered. If your little sister won’t listen to your advice on how to improve her essay and then comes home with a bad grade, it will be very hard not to gloat and say “I told you so.”
Gloat 似乎来自一个日耳曼语词,意思是“凝视”。不知何故,人们可能已经感觉到,无论是谁在凝视,他或她都对他或她所看到的一切感到深深的、不健康的快乐。想想人们盯着看、指指点点和大笑。有时,当有人拒绝您提供的帮助时,您会幸灾乐祸。如果你的小妹妹不听你关于如何改进她的论文的建议,然后带着糟糕的成绩回家,你很难不幸灾乐祸地说“我早就告诉过你了”。
‘So you have come to gloat too, have you, my urchins?’ he said.
—The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
Preening, gloating over the ill treatment that she alone escaped.
—The Underground Railroad: A Novel by Colson Whitehead
Monstrous and abominable eyes they were, bestial and yet filled with purpose and with hideous delight, gloating over their prey trapped beyond all hope of escape.
—The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien
gloat (v.)1570s, “to look at furtively,” probably a variant of earlier glout “to gaze attentively, stare, scowl, look glum, pout” (mid-15c.), from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse glotta “to grin, smile scornfully and show the teeth,” Swedish dialectal glotta “to peep;” or from Middle High German glotzen “to stare, gape,” from the Germanic group of *gl- words that also includes glower, from PIE root *ghel- (2) “to shine.” Sense of “to look at with malicious satisfaction, ponder with pleasure something that satisfies an evil passion” first recorded 1748. Johnson didn’t recognize the word, and OED writes that it was probably “taken up in the 16th c. from some dialect.” Related: Gloated; gloating. As a noun, from 1640s with sense of “side-glance;” 1899 as “act of gloating.”Whosoever attempteth anything for the publike … the same setteth himselfe upon a stage to be glouted upon by every evil eye. [translators’ “note to the reader” in the 1611 King James Bible]Related entries & more
gloat (v.)1570s,“偷偷地看”,可能是早期 glout 的一种变体,“聚精会神地凝视、凝视、皱眉、闷闷不乐、噘嘴”(15 世纪中叶),来自斯堪的纳维亚语源,例如 Old Norse glotta “咧嘴一笑,轻蔑地微笑并露出牙齿,”瑞典方言 glotta“偷看”;或来自中古高地德语的 glotzen “凝视,目瞪口呆”,来自日耳曼语 *gl- 词组,也包括 glower,来自 PIE 词根 *ghel- (2) “发光”。 1748 年首次记录了“恶意满足地看着,愉快地思考满足邪恶激情的事物”的意思。约翰逊不认识这个词,OED 写道它可能“在 16 世纪从某种方言中被吸收” ”相关:幸灾乐祸;幸灾乐祸。作为名词,从 1640 年代开始具有“侧视”的意思; 1899 年被称为“幸灾乐祸的行为”。无论谁试图为公众做任何事情……同样将自己置于一个舞台上,被每只邪恶的眼睛盯着看。 [译者在 1611 年钦定版圣经中的“读者须知”]相关条目及更多
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