单词辨析 | camel,dromedary


  • camel
  • dromedary




含义:n. 骆驼;驼绒织品;驼色,浅黄褐色;打捞浮筒

英文短含义:A camel is a four-legged desert animal that’s slightly larger than a horse. Camels are distinctive for the humps on their backs./


英文长含义:There are two types of camels: the single-humped or dromedary and the two-humped camel. The first kind lives in the Middle East and parts of Africa, while the second is found in Central Asia. All camels are well-suited to life in the desert, going long periods without water and able to withstand high heat. The word camel comes from the Greek kamelos, and may be related to the Arabic jamala, “to bear.”

骆驼有两种类型:单峰骆驼或单峰骆驼和双峰骆驼。第一种生活在中东和非洲部分地区,而第二种生活在中亚。所有的骆驼都非常适合在沙漠中生活,可以长时间不喝水并且能够承受高温。骆驼一词来自希腊语 kamelos,可能与阿拉伯语 jamala 有关,意思是“承受”。

例句1:As summarized in Table 9.3, the era of big mammal domestication began with the sheep, goat, and pig and ended with camels.
如表 9.3 所示,大型哺乳动物的驯化时代始于绵羊、山羊和猪,终于骆驼。
– from Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

例句2:The camel at the zoo was unfazed, but that straw broke Father’s back.
– from Life of Pi

例句3:The domestic animals that were ridden were the horse, donkey, yak, reindeer, and Arabian and Bactrian camels.
– from Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies


含义:n. 单峰骆驼

英文短含义:A dromedary is a type of camel. In parts of North Africa, it’s popular for riders to race dromedaries./


英文长含义:Another name for the dromedary is the “Arabian camel.” Dromedaries are the tallest type of camel, and they always have a single (rather than double) hump on their backs. Despite their height, dromedaries tend to be strong, fast, and light, which is why they have been used for racing. The Late Latin dromedarius means “kind of camel,” from a Greek root, dromas kamelos, “running camel.”

单峰骆驼的另一个名字是“阿拉伯骆驼”。单峰骆驼是最高的骆驼,它们的背上总是有一个(而不是双)驼峰。尽管个子高,但单峰骆驼往往强壮、快速和轻便,这就是它们被用于赛跑的原因。晚期拉丁语 dromedarius 的意思是“骆驼的种类”,源自希腊词根 dromas kamelos,“奔跑的骆驼”。

例句1:With steam for her active and potent agent, she drives highways across the wilderness, covers remote seas with smoky shipping, replaces dromedaries by locomotives, runs rails through the Arab village and the lion’s lair.
– from Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 60, No. 373, November 1846

例句2:They are mostly the dromedary or Arabian camel, which has one hump, and is the species chosen for milk production.
– from Would you drink camel milk?

例句3:One day, however, the dromedary became a stumbling-block to all the class; not one of them could remember the name of the beast.
– from Aileen Aroon, A Memoir
With other Tales of Faithful Friends and Favourites

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