- potent
- potential
Potent 是一个与熟词 potential 同源的单词,都源自于拉丁语 potis (强大的、有能力的;可能的)。其中 potent 于15世纪初期由拉丁语 potentem (强大的)进入英语后,即用来表示“强有力的、有影响的、有权势的”,侧重指拥有某种隐藏的或潜在的(latent)的,而非可观察到的或可测量的巨大的力量、权威、影响等,能够实现或带来特定的效果。
含义:adj. 强大的,有力的;(毒品、药品或化学品)药效强的,强效的;(男子)有性功能的;由T字形构成的,(尤指十字架)有T形端的;(纹章装饰)有交错T形拼花毛皮的;有说服力的
英文短含义:Potent means really strong, but not like a body builder. Use potent instead to describe things like intense smells, powerful magic potions, and very influential people./
有力意味着非常强壮,但不像健美运动员。使用 potent 来描述诸如强烈的气味、强大的魔法药水和非常有影响力的人之类的东西。
英文长含义:From the Latin potentum, meaning “powerful,” potent is just that: having tremendous strength or influence in either a moral or physical sense. A potent question gets to the heart of the matter and sparks serious discussion. Really stiff drinks can be potent, as can your breath after a garlicky meal. And as the composer Igor Stravinsky once asked, “What force is more potent than love?”
从拉丁语 potentum 中,意思是“强大的”,强大的就是:在道德或身体意义上具有巨大的力量或影响力。一个强有力的问题触及了问题的核心,并引发了认真的讨论。非常烈的饮料可能很有效,大餐后的呼吸也是如此。正如作曲家伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基 (Igor Stravinsky) 曾经问道:“有什么力量比爱更强大?”
例句1:In the mornings, her cheeks and forehead burned from the bleach and the potent liqueur.
– from Dreaming in Cuban
例句2:The potent, strong fragrance of happiness still bloomed in him, the sense of being—for the first time in his dull life—useful.
– from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
例句3:Her condescension, being wholly restrained, was all the more potent.
– from Atonement
含义:adj. 潜在的,可能的
英文短含义:If you can describe something as possible but not yet actual, choose the adjective potential. Companies try to reach potential customers through advertising./
如果您可以描述可能但尚未实际的事物,请选择形容词 potential。公司试图通过广告接触潜在客户。
英文长含义:Potential, from the Latin potentia “power,” sounds more complicated than it is. It describes something or someone that has the power to become something. A potential success is not yet a success but could be if circumstances are right. When a situation has the potential for disaster, it could turn bad easily. You have potential if you have a natural but undeveloped ability to do something and a building with potential will be really nice once it’s fixed up.
潜力,来自拉丁语 potentia“力量”,听起来比实际情况要复杂。它描述了有能力成为某物的某物或某人。潜在的成功还不是成功,但如果情况合适的话可能会成功。当一种情况有可能发生灾难时,它很容易变坏。如果你有做某事的天生但未开发的能力,那么你就有潜力,而有潜力的建筑一旦修好就会非常好。
例句1:I walk the halls surrounded by an aura of potential verbal danger, and am treated with caution, which suits me fine.
– from Cat’s Eye
例句2:“I’m an atheist,” Chuck said, lying simply to keep from having to hear any more of Cabot Searcy’s theories on the potential of humankind.
“我是无神论者,”Chuck 说,撒谎只是为了避免再听到 Cabot Searcy 关于人类潜力的理论。
– from Where Things Come Back
例句3:The air smelled of mud, and with the abundance of precious water everything with the potential of being green flexed and groaned and desperately began to grow.
– from The Marrow Thieves
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