The 19th-century notion that saltwater and sea air were panaceas led inexorably toward the creation of decadent resorts in Monte Carlo and beyond.
19 世纪认为咸水和海洋空气是灵丹妙药的观念无情地导致了在蒙特卡洛及其他地区创建颓废的度假村。
—Washington Post
Last year, Beijing’s top media regulator sent a strong warning to celebrities that they needed to show more "moral" behaviour and "consciously oppose decadent ideas of money worship, hedonism and extreme individualism".
“I had written a book,” he wrote, “that was compared with Henry James and Marcel Proust and, headier still, was labeled decadent.”
—Washington Post
indulgent of your own appetites and desires
adj. 堕落的,颓废的,贪图享乐的;极其令人满意的,十分享受的
If your friend vacations in lavish hotels, wears thousand-dollar shoes, and refuses to eat cheese that costs less than $20 an ounce, you might say her lifestyle is decadent.
如果您的朋友在豪华酒店度假,穿着价值数千美元的鞋子,并且拒绝吃每盎司价格低于 20 美元的奶酪,您可能会说她的生活方式很颓废。
A decadent is a person who has fallen into a state of moral or artistic decay. Typically, though, we use decadent as an adjective to describe wasteful indulgence or extravagance. Celebrities who find themselves unable to manage sudden fame and fortune sometimes go overboard, throwing million-dollar parties, living the fast life, turning to drugs and alcohol. And because they’re famous, we read about them and their decadent lifestyles in the tabloid papers.
颓废者是指陷入道德或艺术堕落状态的人。不过,通常情况下,我们使用 decadent 作为形容词来描述浪费的放纵或奢侈。发现自己无法管理突如其来的名利的名人有时会过火,举办价值数百万美元的派对,过着快节奏的生活,转向吸毒和酗酒。因为他们很有名,我们在小报上读到了他们和他们颓废的生活方式。
It’s rammed with your standard pop shorthand for decadent, intense, dangerous-yet-picturesque passion.
—Lady Gaga’s sexual revolution sees female stars reach for the leather by ???
Although the charm of this show is in its kooky fashion, excessive pun work, aspirational fruit salad brunches and afternoon Manhattans, there are numerous issues that crop up, puncturing its decadent veneer.
—Seinfeld and Simpsons – why your favourite TV show is problematic by Stuart Heritage
It was all tall archways and gold foil wallpaper, too decadent to resemble the stark hospital rooms we knew from our checkups.
—The Miseducation of Cameron Post by emily m. danforth
decadent (adj.)"in a state of decline or decay (from a former condition of excellence)," 1837 (Carlyle), from French décadent, back-formation from décadence (see decadence). In reference to literary (later, other artistic) schools that believed, or affected to believe, they lived in an age of artistic decadence, 1885 in French, 1888 in English. Usually in a bad sense:Bread, supposedly the staff of life, has become one of our most decadent foods — doughy, gummy, and without the aroma, flavor, texture, taste and appearance that is typical of good bread. ["College and University Business" 1960]Beckoning sense of "desirable and satisfying to self-indulgence" begins c. 1970 in commercial publications in reference to desserts.As a noun, "one whose artistic or literary work is supposed to show marks of decadence," 1889 (from 1887 as a French word in English), originally in a French context.On the subject of poetry I am bound to signalize one of those grotesque, unexpected apparitions which would appear to be constitutional to our country [i.e. France] …. I refer to the recent appearance of a literary clique of madmen or idlers, the self-named décadents. I own I am almost ashamed to occupy your time with this unworthy subject, which I should not have thought fit to introduce had not our newspapers and even our reviews taken the décadents to task, and were it not that they have furnished chroniqueurs short of copy with matter for articles, and that the serious Temps itself has taken up their trashy nonsense. [The Athenaeum, Jan. 1, 1887]Related entries & more
颓废(形容词)“处于衰落或腐烂的状态(从以前的卓越状态)”,1837 年(卡莱尔),来自法语颓废,从颓废中反演(见颓废)。关于相信或假装相信的文学(后来的其他艺术)学校,他们生活在一个艺术颓废的时代,1885 年法语,1888 年英语。通常是在不好的意义上:面包,据说是生活的工作人员,已经成为我们最颓废的食物之一——面团状、粘稠,没有好面包特有的香气、味道、质地、味道和外观。 [“学院和大学业务”1960]“自我放纵的理想和满足”的召唤感开始于 c。 1970 年在商业出版物中提到甜点。作为一个名词,“一个人的艺术或文学作品应该表现出颓废的痕迹,”1889 年(从 1887 年开始作为英语中的法语单词),最初是在法语背景下。关于这个问题我一定要指出那些怪诞的、意想不到的幻影之一,这些幻影似乎符合我们国家[即法国]的宪法……我指的是最近出现的一个由疯子或闲人组成的文学集团,他们自称为颓废者。我承认,我几乎不好意思在这个不值得的话题上占用你的时间,如果不是我们的报纸甚至我们的评论让颓废者承担责任,如果不是他们提供的编年史缺乏副本,我本不应该介绍这个话题与文章有关,而严肃的 Temps 本身已经接受了他们的无用废话。 [The Athenaeum,1887 年 1 月 1 日]相关条目及更多
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