- collar
- cellar
含义:n. 衣领,领口;颈圈;(动物颈部颜色异样的)色圈,颈锁形条纹;箍,套管;(股票交易的)项圈策略;<英>肉卷;猪颈部的熏肉块;(植物的)根颈
英文短含义:A collar goes around a neck. For a human, it’s the neckband of a shirt or jacket. For an animal, it’s a neckband that attaches to a leash, kills fleas, or makes a poodle feel fancy./
英文长含义:The color of your collar says something about what you do. “Blue collar” refers to people who do manual labor while “white collar” refers to people with desk jobs. Animals generally don’t care what their collars look like. When it’s a verb, collar means “apprehend” or “arrest,” as when a police detective finally collars an elusive bank robber. This meaning arose from the 17th century use of collar, “grab someone by the neck.”
你衣领的颜色说明了你的所作所为。 “蓝领”是指从事体力劳动的人,而“白领”是指从事办公室工作的人。动物通常不在乎它们的项圈是什么样子的。当它是一个动词时,collar 的意思是“逮捕”或“逮捕”,就像一名警探最终给一个难以捉摸的银行劫匪戴上项圈一样。这个意思源于 17 世纪对项圈的使用,“抓住某人的脖子”。
例句1:I turn up my collar and scoot along as fast as I can.
– from X: A Novel
例句2:I couldn’t understand her powers of concentration when she rolled a French knot or toiled over a tatted collar in Sewing class at school.
– from The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
例句3:Arnold was wet down and not wearing his collar or dog tags.
– from The View From Saturday
含义:n. 地下室,地窖;窖藏酒
英文短含义:A cellar is a basic, unfinished basement. In a very old house, the cellar might have stone walls and a rough dirt floor./
英文长含义:Your cellar might basically be a basement, a place you keep your tools and do your laundry. Some cellars have specific purposes, including a storm cellar, where you take cover during a tornado or other storm, and a root cellar, where you store potatoes and other root vegetables during the cold months of the year. This kind of cellar comes the closest to the meaning of the Latin root, cellarium: “pantry or storeroom.”
你的地窖可能基本上是一个地下室,一个你存放工具和洗衣服的地方。一些地窖有特定用途,包括风暴地窖,您可以在龙卷风或其他风暴期间躲避,还有根地窖,您可以在一年中的寒冷月份储存土豆和其他根茎类蔬菜。这种地窖最接近拉丁词根 cellarium 的意思:“储藏室或储藏室”。
例句1:Ivy scrambled up, her ankle screaming at her as she scurried into a corner so Mom and Dad could get into the cellar.
– from Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World
例句2:She drew out a large black key from the pocket of her skirt and unlocked the cellar door, a massive block of thick oak.
– from Ash
例句3:“These alterations must be made to the cellar. See to it, Juliet. To the letter.”
– from Artemis Fowl
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