英音/ kəˈlestərɒl / 美音/ kəˈlestərɔːl /
Sir John said he agreed tackling lifestyle issues is vital, and said things like blood pressure and cholesterol are an important part of the OFH feedback.
约翰爵士表示,他同意解决生活方式问题至关重要,并表示血压和胆固醇等问题是 OFH 反馈的重要组成部分。
Some scientists worried that doing so might threaten cholesterol’s positive functions.
—New York Times
Ms McNulty said she had to limit supplies to patients of a life-saving drug for cholesterol after the cost increased from £1 to £2 per box of 28 tablets to £17.
麦克纳尔蒂女士表示,由于每盒 28 片药片的价格从 1 英镑到 2 英镑增加到 17 英镑,她不得不限制向患者提供一种治疗胆固醇的救命药物。
an animal sterol that is normally synthesized by the liver; the most abundant steroid in animal tissues
Cholesterol is a product of the liver, excreted through bile into the digestive tract. The first notice of cholesterol was in 1769, when a French researcher found it in gallstones. Then, in the early 19th Century the chemical was named “cholestrine,” from the Greek words for bile (chole) and solids (stereos), plus the chemical suffix -ol. Scientists have noted the role of cholesterol in heart attacks and other health problems, a situation that can be regulated through diet or medications.
Cholesterol is a product of the liver, excreted through bile into the digestive tract. The first notice of cholesterol was in 1769, when a French researcher found it in gallstones. Then, in the early 19th Century the chemical was named “cholestrine,” from the Greek words for bile (chole) and solids (stereos), plus the chemical suffix -ol. Scientists have noted the role of cholesterol in heart attacks and other health problems, a situation that can be regulated through diet or medications.
胆固醇是肝脏的产物,通过胆汁排泄到消化道。胆固醇的首次发现是在 1769 年,当时一位法国研究人员在胆结石中发现了胆固醇。然后,在 19 世纪初,这种化学物质被命名为“cholestrine”,源自希腊语中胆汁 (chole) 和固体 (stereos) 的意思,加上化学后缀 -ol。科学家们已经注意到胆固醇在心脏病和其他健康问题中的作用,这种情况可以通过饮食或药物来调节。
Taken persistently, lecithin partially and slowly eliminates existing cholesterol deposits from the circulatory system.
—How and When to Be Your Own Doctor by Solomon, Steve
Everybody made stupid jokes about how good he looked for just coming from his funeral, and how he shouldn’t eat too many ribs because it was bad for his cholesterol.
—145th Street: Short Stories by Walter Dean Myers
Another method is to convert the substance into acetate, and take its melting point, cholesterol acetate melting at 114.3-114.8°
—The Handbook of Soap Manufacture by Simmons, W. H.
cholesterol (n.)white, solid substance present in body tissues, 1894, earlier cholesterin, from French cholestrine (Chevreul, 1827), from Latinized form of Greek khole “bile” (from PIE root *ghel- (2) “to shine,” with derivatives denoting “green, yellow,” and thus “bile, gall”) + steros “solid, stiff” (from PIE root *ster- (1) “stiff”). So called because originally found in gallstones (Conradi, 1775). The name was changed to the modern form (with chemical suffix -ol, denoting an alcohol) after the compound was discovered to be a secondary alcohol.Related entries & more
胆固醇(n.)白色,存在于身体组织中的固体物质,1894年,早期的胆固醇,来自法语cholestrine(Chevreul,1827),来自希腊语khole“胆汁”的拉丁化形式(来自PIE根*ghel-(2)“发光” ,”,派生词表示“绿色、黄色”,因此表示“胆汁、胆汁”)+ steros“固体、坚硬”(来自 PIE 根 *ster- (1) “僵硬的”)。如此称呼是因为最初发现于胆结石中(Conradi,1775)。在发现该化合物是仲醇后,该名称更改为现代形式(带有化学后缀 -ol,表示醇)。相关条目及更多
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