英音/ ˈɡæləʊz / 美音/ ˈɡæloʊz /
And a few of those, who managed to remain within the city walls, had to live under the constant threat of getting shot or being hanged to the gallows.
Alse Young, who was killed at the gallows in Connecticut, was the first person on record to be executed in the American colonies for witchcraft.
阿尔斯·杨(Alse Young)在康涅狄格州被绞死,他是有记录以来第一个在美国殖民地因巫术而被处决的人。
—Washington Times
The counterpoints are the various scenes on that raised platform: the Franks at home, Leo in his jail cell, the crude gallows from which he’ll be unceremoniously hanged.
—Washington Post
an instrument of execution consisting of a wooden frame from which a condemned person is executed by hanging
A gallows is a frame, usually wood, that is made up of a horizontal crossbeam from which a noose or rope is suspended. The word gallows has an s at the end of it because a gallows usually consists of two upright poles and a crossbeam. As a form of capital punishment, hanging is outlawed in almost every state, making the use of gallows these days very rare. If you see one, it will be in a museum.
在 1600 年代末的塞勒姆女巫审判期间,被指控施行巫术的妇女被绞死,这是一种可怕的过程,涉及绞刑架或木架,用绳子将人吊在木架上。
A gallows is a frame, usually wood, that is made up of a horizontal crossbeam from which a noose or rope is suspended. The word gallows has an s at the end of it because a gallows usually consists of two upright poles and a crossbeam. As a form of capital punishment, hanging is outlawed in almost every state, making the use of gallows these days very rare. If you see one, it will be in a museum.
绞刑架是一种框架,通常是木制的,由水平横梁组成,上面悬挂着绞索或绳索。绞刑架这个词的末尾有一个 s,因为绞刑架通常由两根直立的杆子和一根横梁组成。作为死刑的一种形式,绞刑在几乎每个州都是非法的,因此如今绞刑架的使用非常罕见。如果你看到一个,它会在博物馆里。
They sort of shoved him into the empty space in front of the gallows.
—My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
A pause—then Flo cried out, “Bless me, there’s a gallows and a man going up.”
—Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Captain Smith is back in chains, and the gallows sits ready.
—Blood on the River by Elisa Carbone
gallows (n.)c. 1300, plural of Middle English galwe “gallows” (mid-13c.), from Old Norse galgi “gallows,” or from Old English galga (Mercian), gealga (West Saxon) “gallows;” all from Proto-Germanic *galgon “pole” (source also of Old Frisian galga, Old Saxon galgo, Middle High German galge “gallows, cross,” German Galgen “gallows,” Gothic galga “cross”), from PIE *ghalgh- “branch, rod” (source also of Lithuanian žalga “pole, perch,” Armenian dzalk “pole”).
In Old English, also used of the cross of the crucifixion. Plural because made of two poles. Gallows-tree is Old English galg-treow. Gallows humor (1876) translates German Galgenhumor.Related entries & more
绞刑架(n.)c。 1300,中古英语 galwe“gallows”的复数形式(13世纪中期),源自古挪威语 galgi“gallows”,或源自古英语 galga(Mercian)、gealga(西撒克逊语)“gallows”;全部源自原始日耳曼语 *galgon“杆”(也源自古弗里斯兰语 galga、古撒克逊语 galgo、中古高地德语 galge“绞架,十字架”、德语 Galgen“绞刑架”、哥特语 galga“十字架”),来自 PIE *ghalgh- “树枝,杆”(也源自立陶宛语 žalga“杆子,鲈鱼”,亚美尼亚语 dzalk“杆子”)。在古英语中,也用于表示受难的十字架。复数是因为由两根杆子组成。 Gallows-tree 是古英语 galg-treow。绞刑架幽默 (1876) 翻译为德语 Galgenhumor。相关条目及更多
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