单词详解 | spontaneous

英音/ spɒnˈteɪniəs / 美音/ spɑːnˈteɪniəs /


But it warned there is a risk if they aren’t spontaneous, and if they become the norm.

The first proposes that complex cognitive processing, such as self-reflection and self-awareness, acts as a trigger, while the latter argues blushing is a rapid and spontaneous emotional response.

But the Western officials said the attacks appeared to be mostly organized by groups of Gazans who were unaffiliated with Hamas, or were the spontaneous acts of desperate civilians.
New York Times

said or done without having been planned or written in advance


If you plan to go to a movie and then you go, that’s not a spontaneous thing. Ditching the movie at the last minute to go to the park? That’s spontaneous. Spontaneous things happen all of a sudden, on the spur of the moment, without being planned. Spontaneous can also refer to things that happen without outside influence. Your parents will be happy if you do your chores spontaneously instead of waiting till they nag you.

If you plan to go to a movie and then you go, that’s not a spontaneous thing. Ditching the movie at the last minute to go to the park? That’s spontaneous. Spontaneous things happen all of a sudden, on the spur of the moment, without being planned. Spontaneous can also refer to things that happen without outside influence. Your parents will be happy if you do your chores spontaneously instead of waiting till they nag you.

It’s my first truly spontaneous smile since the bombing.
Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed

The first time Sandy appeared, running across the stage being chased by the dog catcher, the audience broke into spontaneous applause.
The View From Saturday by E.L. Konigsburg

My trust in Estrayen had been more willed than spontaneous; now I believed him completely.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin

spontaneous (adj.)1650s, of actions, “occurring without external stimulus, proceeding from an internal impulse,” from Late Latin spontaneus “willing, of one’s free will,” formed from the Latin phrase (sua) sponte “of one’s own accord, willingly,” from ablative of *spons (attested in the genitive singular, spontis) “will, volition,” a word of uncertain origin. De Vaan writes that some suggest it is from the root of spin (v.), “but this is only based on the similar shape; semantically, this derivation is hard to defend.” Related: Spontaneously; spontaneousness. Earlier was spontaneal (c. 1600), now obsolete.
Of persons, “acting voluntarily and naturally,” by 1732 (Berkeley). It was used earlier of persons and characters, with a sense of “acting of one’s own accord” (c. 1200). Of utterances, by 1856. Spontaneous combustion “a taking fire from conditions inherent in the substance” is attested by 1790 in chemistry. Spontaneous generation “development of living organisms from non-living matter” is attested from 1650s.Related entries & more

自发的(形容词)1650年代的行动,“在没有外部刺激的情况下发生,从内部冲动出发”,源自后期拉丁语spontaneus“愿意,一个人的自由意志”,由拉丁语短语(sua)sponte“自己的意愿”组成,自愿地”源自 *spons 的夺格(以所有格单数 spontis 证明)“意志,意志”,一个来源不确定的词。德瓦恩写道,有人认为它来自自旋 (v.) 的根源,“但这只是基于相似的形状;从语义上讲,这种推导很难辩护。”相关:自发地;自发性。早期是自发的(约 1600 年),现在已经过时了。 1732 年,人们“自愿且自然地行动”(伯克利)。它早期用于人物和人物,带有“自愿行事”的意思(约1200年)。到 1856 年,自燃燃烧“从物质固有的条件中取火”这一说法在 1790 年得到了化学的证实。自 1650 年代以来,“从非生命物质发展出生命有机体”的自发生成得到了证实。相关条目及更多

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