英音/ ˈsɪnθəsɪs / 美音/ ˈsɪnθəsɪs /
His high-energy music was a distinctly Southern synthesis of rhythm and blues, country, gospel, and boogie-woogie, and his barely contained stage frenzy thrilled and unnerved audiences.
—Washington Post
Then we got futuristic: The advent of analog synthesis and sequences in the mid-20th century ushered in a wave of automated and programmable music.
然后我们变得未来派:20 世纪中叶模拟合成和序列的出现迎来了自动化和可编程音乐的浪潮。
—Washington Post
Asked by The Post about the technology, HHS officials said the department this year is likely to issue “updated guidance’’ for “the gene and genome synthesis enterprise.”
—Washington Post
the combination of ideas into a complex whole
synthetic thinking,deduction,deductive reasoning
Synthesis can be either concrete or abstract. Scientists use the word to talk about what happens when chemicals combine — think of photosynthesis: the process by which plants synthesize light, carbon dioxide, and water to produce food. If you write a screenplay titled Batman Saves Jane Eyre, then that’s synthesis as well (though you may have trouble selling it). Synthesis can also refer to the act of combining ideas.
Synthesis can be either concrete or abstract. Scientists use the word to talk about what happens when chemicals combine — think of photosynthesis: the process by which plants synthesize light, carbon dioxide, and water to produce food. If you write a screenplay titled Batman Saves Jane Eyre, then that’s synthesis as well (though you may have trouble selling it). Synthesis can also refer to the act of combining ideas.
The rainbow vision of a synthesis of the Seven Arts has faded forever.
—Franz Liszt by Huneker, James
It would be impossible to affirm anything more completely at variance with the truth, anything more absolutely opposed to the doctrine of Christ and the theological synthesis of the apostles.
—The Expositor’s Bible: Ephesians by Findlay, G. G.
Worse than mud, even: It looks like the sort of primordial goo that could generate new amino acids, which would inevitably combine to initiate protein synthesis and create brand new life forms.
—Darius the Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram
synthesis (n.)1610s, “deductive reasoning,” from Latin synthesis “collection, set or service of plate, suit of clothes, composition (of a medication),” from Greek synthesis “composition, a putting together,” also used of syllables and words, from syntithenai “put together, combine,” from syn- “together” (see syn-) + tithenai “to put, to place” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”).
The notion in the senses is “a combining of separate thoughts or conceptions into a whole.” It is attested in English by 1733 in the sense of “a combination of parts into a whole,” and later in specialized senses in grammar, chemistry, surgery, acoustics. It was earlier borrowed in Middle English as sintecis (mid-15c.). The classical plural is syntheses.Related entries & more
Synthesis (n.)1610s,“演绎推理”,源自拉丁语 Synthesis “盘子、衣服、(药物的)组合物的收集、设置或服务”,源自希腊语 Synthesis “组合物、组合”,也用于音节和单词,来自 syntithenai“放在一起,结合”,来自 syn-“在一起”(参见 syn-)+ tithenai“放置,放置”(来自 PIE 根 *dhe-“设置,放置”)。意义上的概念是“将单独的思想或概念组合成一个整体”。到 1733 年,它在英语中得到了证实,其含义是“将部分组合成一个整体”,后来又在语法、化学、外科、声学等专门含义中得到证实。早期它在中古英语中被借用为sintecis(15世纪中期)。经典复数是 Synthesis。相关条目及更多
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