And some professional photographers have gone so far as to intercede on social media, urging amateurs to request compensation before handing over rights to their images.
—Washington Post
A circuit of Fox News hosts pressed Meadows to intercede — a memorialization of the direct pipeline between the right wing cable news channel and the Trump White House.
—Washington Post
They portend drastic service cuts as well as sharp fare increases unless Metro’s regional stakeholders intercede, which means substantially increased subsidies from the city and the two states.
除非 Metro 的区域利益相关者出面干预,否则它们预示着服务将大幅削减以及票价将大幅上涨,这意味着该市和两个州的补贴将大幅增加。
—Washington Post
act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
vi. 调解,调停;求情,说项
When you intercede, you try to help people work out their differences or achieve something, like when you intercede on your friend’s behalf to encourage your boss to hire him, or when feuding friends ask you to intercede, guiding them to sort out their differences.
The verb intercede comes from the Latin root words inter, meaning “between,” and cedere, meaning “go.” Acting as a go-between is exactly what you do when you intercede. Maybe you are the peacemaker, or you play matchmaker, or you just bring people to work out their problems. Sometimes people pray that God will intercede in their lives, meaning bring change that improves a situation.
动词 intercede 来自拉丁词根 inter,意思是“之间”,cedere,意思是“去”。当你说情时,充当中间人正是你所做的。也许你是和事佬,或者你扮演媒人,或者你只是让人们解决他们的问题。有时人们祈祷上帝会在他们的生活中进行调解,这意味着带来改变以改善情况。
The chief claimed to serve the people by interceding for them with the gods and reciting the ritual formulas required to obtain rain, good harvests, and success in fishing.
—Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared M. Diamond
Each year at Purim, Jews recount the story of Esther, the Jewish orphan who rose to the throne of Persia and interceded with her husband to save her people from annihilation.
—Multiple Women, Three Centuries, One Far-Reaching New Novel by ???
If a small female sales attendant were rude to you, you would not yell at her; you would find a supervisor to intercede on your behalf.
—Perspective | Miss Manners: Aggression from older men leaves young woman at a loss by ???
intercede (v.)1570s, “to come between in space or time” (obsolete); c. 1600, “to interpose on behalf of another,” a back-formation from intercession, or else from Latin intercedere “intervene, come between, be between” (in Medieval Latin “to interpose on someone’s behalf”), from inter “between” (see inter-) + cedere “to go” (from PIE root *ked- “to go, yield”). Related: Interceded; interceding.Related entries & more
intercede (v.)1570s,“在空间或时间之间”(过时); C。 1600 年,“代表另一个人进行干预”,从调解中衍生而来,或者来自拉丁语 intercedere“介入,介于两者之间”(在中世纪拉丁语中“代表某人进行干预”),来自 inter“之间” (见 inter-)+ cedere “to go”(来自 PIE 词根 *ked- “to go, yield”)。相关:调解;调解。相关条目及更多
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