Foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique is a compliance tactic that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.
This technique works by creating a connection between the person asking for a request and the person that is being asked. If a smaller request is granted, then the person who is agreeing feels like they are obligated to keep agreeing to larger requests to stay consistent with the original decision of agreeing. This technique is used in many ways and is a well-researched tactic for getting people to comply with requests. The saying is a reference to a door to door salesman who keeps the door from shutting with his foot, giving the customer no choice but to listen to the sales pitch.
得寸进尺法(英语:Foot-in-the-door technique)又译登门槛效应、登门坎效应,是一种通过先提出一个简单的小请求来说服被劝说者同意一个较大请求的劝说方法。得寸进尺法得益于被社会学家称为“连续渐进”(successive approximations)的一项人类基本特点。该特点的大意是,如果向对方提出小的请求或作出小的行为越多,对方越有可能按照计划的方向转变自己的态度、行为,并渐渐感觉自己有必要准许那些要求更多的请求。
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