每日名言 | 20231013文字加音频
20231013日名言 Talent indeed makes a person shine, but hard work does too.天赋的确使人闪闪发光,但努力也能使人熠熠生辉。 -? 配套音频
20231013日名言 Talent indeed makes a person shine, but hard work does too.天赋的确使人闪闪发光,但努力也能使人熠熠生辉。 -? 配套音频
20231012日名言 It’s okay to be scared. In order to be brave, we got to be a little scared.害怕是正常的,感到害怕才能学会勇敢。 -? 配套音频
20231011日名言 You know more than you think you do. -Benjamin Spock 配套音频
20231010日名言 You’re never alone when you have books.有书作陪,永不寂寞。 -? 配套音频