单词详解 | womb

2023年 7月 21日 engapi 0

womb 音标: 美音:/wuːm/,英音:/wuːm/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句: Babies born to opioid users, including mothers in treatment with medications

单词详解 | slovenly

2023年 7月 20日 engapi 0

slovenly 音标: 美音:/ˈslʌv(ə)nli/,英音:/ˈslʌv(ə)nli/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句: But it is sad that we are so slovenly in almost all things

单词详解 | garrison

2023年 7月 19日 engapi 0

garrison 音标: 美音:/ˈɡærɪsn/,英音:/ˈɡærɪsn/ 听听基本释意: 外刊例句: Khan’s supporters attacked the military’s headquarters in the garri