单词详解 | pertain

2025年 1月 1日 engapi 0

pertain 音标: 英音/ pəˈteɪn / 美音/ pərˈteɪn / 听听基本释意: 外刊例句: Ms. Ryan, who has been attacked by former President Donald Trump

单词详解 | plebe

2024年 12月 31日 engapi 0

plebe 音标: 英音/ pliːb / 美音/ pliːb / 外刊例句: After building their own human pyramid, the plebes will attempt to replace a sai

单词详解 | tenure

2024年 12月 30日 engapi 0

tenure 音标: 英音/ ˈtenjə(r) / 美音/ ˈtenjər / 听听基本释意: 外刊例句: Early in his tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury, he was credited