Articles by engapi

每日名言 | 20231020文字加音频
20231020日名言 It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.审判自己比审判别人要难得多。 -? 配套音频

每日名言 | 20231019文字加音频
20231019日名言 We all wonder about the path we didn’t follow.我们都会好奇自己没选的那条路通向何方。 -? 配套音频

20231020日名言 It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.审判自己比审判别人要难得多。 -? 配套音频
20231019日名言 We all wonder about the path we didn’t follow.我们都会好奇自己没选的那条路通向何方。 -? 配套音频