单词详解 | secession

66699428 - divided usa patriotic old flag on a map with weathered wood background with copy space for message
66699428 – divided usa patriotic old flag on a map with weathered wood background with copy space for message

英音/ sɪˈseʃn / 美音/ sɪˈseʃn /


The region fought a war of secession with Georgia from 1992-93 and declared independence in 1999, but has little international recognition.
该地区在 1992-93 年间与格鲁吉亚爆发了分裂战争,并于 1999 年宣布独立,但几乎没有得到国际承认。

They were accused of breaching the Beijing-imposed national security law by committing offenses such as collusion with foreign powers and inciting secession.
Washington Times

Earlier that month, Taiwanese activist Yang Chih-yuan was charged with secession.

formal separation from an alliance or federation


You could think of secession as a kind of divorce for governments, an official and often lasting split between an alliance, federation, or other political group. Secession is the noun version of the verb secede (meaning to withdraw from an organization), and when a secession takes place the group doing the seceding makes a formal departure from the original group. A famous example of political secession happened right before the American Civil War, when eleven southern states withdrew from the U.S. government over the issue of slavery.
名词secession指的是一次大的分手——正式的分裂,正式的“再见你!” ——政治实体之间。如果法国真的与欧盟之间存在分歧,那么法国分裂运动可能就顺理成章了。

You could think of secession as a kind of divorce for governments, an official and often lasting split between an alliance, federation, or other political group. Secession is the noun version of the verb secede (meaning to withdraw from an organization), and when a secession takes place the group doing the seceding makes a formal departure from the original group. A famous example of political secession happened right before the American Civil War, when eleven southern states withdrew from the U.S. government over the issue of slavery.

It was about the year 1849 that that great secession movement in art broke out to which its leaders chose to give the title of pre-Raphaelite.
大约在 1849 年,艺术界爆发了一场伟大的分裂运动,其领导人选择给予前拉斐尔派的称号。
Modern Leaders: Being a Series of Biographical Sketches by McCarthy, Justin

She had wanted the secession to happen, but now it seemed too big to conceive.
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Though Lee had no love for secession or slavery, his home state was Virginia, which had recently seceded from the Union, and he could not lead troops against his home state.
Lincoln’s Last Days: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever by Bill O’Reilly

secession (n.)1530s, from Latin secessionem (nominative secessio) “a withdrawal, separation; political withdrawal, insurrection, schism,” noun of action from past-participle stem of secedere “go away, withdraw, separate; rebel, revolt,” from se- “apart” (see se-) + cedere “to go” (from PIE root *ked- “to go, yield”).
Originally in a Roman historical context, “temporary migration of plebeians from the city to compel patricians to address their grievances.” Modern use is by 1650s in reference to “act of withdrawing from a religious or political union.”Related entries & more

secession (n.)1530s,源自拉丁语 secessionem (主格 secessio)“撤退、分离;政治撤退、叛乱、分裂”,行动名词,来自 secedere 的过去分词词干“走开、撤回、分离;反叛、反抗、 ” from se- “apart”(参见 se-)+ cedere “to go”(来自 PIE 根 *ked- “to go,yield”)。最初是在罗马历史背景下,“平民从城市暂时迁移,迫使贵族解决他们的不满”。现代用法是在 1650 年代指“退出宗教或政治联盟的行为”。相关条目及更多

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