英音/ ˈpʌndʒənt / 美音/ ˈpʌndʒənt /
Living conditions for the children in the camp are squalid and unsanitary – they play next to piles of rubbish, inhaling the pungent fumes emanating from the thick black streams of open sewage.
When we inquired about where to find the more pungent, traditional dishes we craved, locals laughed at us.
—Washington Post
The chicken at Crispy Gai is reminiscent of Reynolds’s favored Thai street food, brined in a pungent fish sauce and cilantro marinade before it is fried twice, then garnished with sweet fried shallots.
Crispy Gai 的鸡肉让人想起雷诺兹最喜欢的泰国街头食品,先用辛辣的鱼露和香菜腌料腌制,然后油炸两次,然后饰以甜炸青葱。
—Washington Post
strong and sharp;”the pungent taste of radishes”
The ultimate source of the word pungent is Latin pungere, “to prick, sting.” Ginger and mustard seed are examples of pungent spices. Limburger cheese has the distinction of being the most pungent of all cheeses. And if your pet has an accident in the house, there may be a pungent odor. And pungent can be used in a figurative sense: pungent language is stimulating and expressive.
使用辛辣来描述给人强烈感觉的味道或气味。 “那股刺鼻的气味是什么?”是暗示房间里有人患有 BO 的礼貌方式。
The ultimate source of the word pungent is Latin pungere, “to prick, sting.” Ginger and mustard seed are examples of pungent spices. Limburger cheese has the distinction of being the most pungent of all cheeses. And if your pet has an accident in the house, there may be a pungent odor. And pungent can be used in a figurative sense: pungent language is stimulating and expressive.
“刺鼻”这个词的最终来源是拉丁语 pungere,意思是“刺痛、刺痛”。生姜和芥末籽是辛辣香料的例子。林堡奶酪是所有奶酪中最辛辣的。而且如果你的宠物在家里发生意外,可能会出现刺鼻的气味。刺鼻可以用作比喻意义:刺鼻的语言具有刺激性和表现力。
I was so hungry that the pungent smell of Doritos made me want to hit someone.
—The Line Tender by Kate Allen
The sarcasm that had repelled, the harshness that had startled me once, were only like keen condiments in a choice dish: their presence was pungent, but their absence would be felt as comparatively insipid.
—Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
The pungent scent of hot oil hit him as he stopped near the counter.
—Shooting Kabul by N. H. Senzai
pungent (adj.)1590s, “sharp and painful, poignant, piercing,” originally figurative, of pain or grief, from Latin pungentem (nominative pungens), present participle of pungere “to prick, pierce, sting,” figuratively, “to vex, grieve, trouble, afflict” (from suffixed form of PIE root *peuk- “to prick”). For sense development, compare piquant; sharp (adj.).
Meaning “having powerful odor or taste, sharply affecting the sense of smell” is recorded by 1660s; in reference to writing, etc., “sharply affecting the mind, curt and expressive” is by 1850. The literal sense of “sharp, pointed” (c. 1600) is very rare in English and mostly limited to botany.
Middle English and early Modern English also had a now-obsolete verb punge “to prick, pierce; to smart, cause to sting,” from Latin pungere. Related: Pungently.Related entries & more
pungent(形容词)1590年代,“尖锐而痛苦的,尖锐的,刺痛的”,最初是比喻性的,疼痛或悲伤,来自拉丁语pungentem(主格pungens),pungere的现在分词“刺痛,刺穿,刺痛”,象征性地,“到vex、悲伤、麻烦、折磨”(来自 PIE 词根 *peuk-“刺痛”的后缀形式)。为感官发展,比较辛辣;尖锐的(形容词)。 1660年代记录的意思是“具有强烈的气味或味道,强烈影响嗅觉”;在谈到写作等时,“尖锐地影响思想,简短而富有表现力”是在1850年。“尖锐的,尖锐的”(约1600年)的字面意义在英语中非常罕见,并且大多局限于植物学。中古英语和早期现代英语还有一个现已废弃的动词 punge,来自拉丁语 pungere,“刺,刺穿;聪明,导致刺痛”。相关:辛辣。相关条目及更多
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