英音/ ˈdɔːmənt / 美音/ ˈdɔːrmənt /
It comes after calls by Stephen’s mother, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, for the dormant inquiry to be reopened.
Archaeologists say that the hill is a dormant volcano and that ceramics recovered there so far suggest that humans have been using the site for several hundred years or more.
—New York Times
The club is part of a scene that has sprung up after decades of lying dormant in some areas of Africa.
inactive but capable of becoming active
Volcanoes are described as dormant when they stay cool for a long time, without spewing hot lava and ash. They may have the ability to come to life, but they remain dormant, or inactive. Dormant comes from French dormir, “to sleep,” and it refers to living things that are on a break rather than things that have died. Being dormant is being temporarily at rest, although sometimes, as with some cancer cells, things become permanently — and thankfully — dormant.
Volcanoes are described as dormant when they stay cool for a long time, without spewing hot lava and ash. They may have the ability to come to life, but they remain dormant, or inactive. Dormant comes from French dormir, “to sleep,” and it refers to living things that are on a break rather than things that have died. Being dormant is being temporarily at rest, although sometimes, as with some cancer cells, things become permanently — and thankfully — dormant.
It had its dormant winter when it slept underground.
—Middlesex: A Novel by Jeffrey Eugenides
Sometimes, when he stared at it long enough, his eyes sliding out of focus, he thought he could see into the metal and sense a pulsing, dormant potential.
—Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
“After it appeared, after years of being dormant in the Twelve Towns and attacking that boy in Boggs Ferry, we knew we had to tame it. To make it ours,” Barbatos said.
—Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega
dormant (adj.)late 14c., “fixed in place,” from Old French dormant (12c.), present participle of dormir “to sleep,” from Latin dormire “to sleep,” from PIE root *drem- “to sleep” (source also of Old Church Slavonic dremati “to sleep, doze,” Greek edrathon “I slept,” Sanskrit drati “sleeps”).
Meaning “in a resting situation, lying down with the head on the forepaws” (in heraldry, of beasts) is from c. 1500. Meaning “sleeping, asleep” is from 1620s. General sense of “in a state of rest or inactivity” is from c. 1600. Of volcanoes from 1760.
The Neapolitans are never so much afraid of this fiery Mountain as when its Flames lie, as ’twere, dormant ; for then it is that they live in constant Fear of a fresh huge Eruption, or, much worse, an Earthquake. [from the entry for “Vesuvius” in Brice’s “Grand Gazetter Or Topographic Dictionary,” 1760]
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dormant (adj.)late 14c., “固定到位”,源自古法语 dormant (12c.),dormir “睡觉”的现在分词,源自拉丁语 dormire“睡觉”,源自 PIE 词根 *drem-“睡觉” (也源自古教会斯拉夫语 dremati “睡觉,打瞌睡”,希腊语 edrathon “我睡了”,梵语 drati “睡觉”)。意思是“在休息的情况下,躺着,头放在前爪上”(在纹章中,是野兽的意思)来自c。 1500。意思是“睡觉,睡着了”来自1620年代。一般意义上的“处于休息或不活动状态”来自c。 1600年。从1760年开始的火山。那不勒斯人最害怕这座火热的山,当它的火焰处于休眠状态时。因为那时他们就生活在对新的巨大火山爆发,或者更糟糕的是地震的恐惧之中。 [摘自布莱斯《大地名词典或地形词典》中“维苏威火山”的条目,1760 年] 相关条目及更多
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