单词详解 | vegan

英音/ ˈviːɡən / 美音/ ˈviːɡən /


Partly out of frustration with his own lack of choices, he gave clients a discount if they added a vegan dish to the menu.
New York Times

The therapeutic atmosphere was especially thick at Veggie Ark, a sprawling complex north of the old town that houses the vegan canteen, yoga studios, gong lessons and a dye workshop.
素食方舟 (Veggie Ark) 的治疗气氛尤其浓重,这是老城区北部的一个庞大综合体,设有素食餐厅、瑜伽馆、锣课程和染色作坊。
New York Times

He was a vegan and I suppose really when we see our icons, we think they’re going to live forever…

a strict vegetarian; someone who does not consume or use any animal products


A vegan diet is heavy on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Because only animal products contain cholesterol, vegans often have lower blood cholesterol than the bacon-cheeseburger crowd. As vegan diets have become more popular, many restaurants now offer a range of vegan choices, like veggie burgers and bean burritos. As you no doubt noticed, vegan is related to vegetarian and vegetable.

A vegan diet is heavy on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Because only animal products contain cholesterol, vegans often have lower blood cholesterol than the bacon-cheeseburger crowd. As vegan diets have become more popular, many restaurants now offer a range of vegan choices, like veggie burgers and bean burritos. As you no doubt noticed, vegan is related to vegetarian and vegetable.

We watched approved documentaries, and cooked vegan cupcakes, and went for lots of walks in the park.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

June’s mom set them up with all kinds of weird snacks like green bean chips and baby carrots with hummus and vegan carob-chip cookies.
Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World by Ashley Herring Blake

The vegan daughter in question shrinks into her seat, like she’s trying to disappear.
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli

vegan (n.)1944, probably based on a modification of vegetarian; coined by English vegetarian Donald Watson (1910-2005) to distinguish those who abstain from all animal products (eggs, cheese, etc.) from those who merely refuse to eat the animals.

‘Vegetarian’ and ‘Fruititarian’ are already associated with societies that allow the ‘fruits'(!) of cows and fowls, therefore it seems we must make a new and appropriate word. As this first issue of our periodical had to be named, I have used the title “The Vegan News”. Should we adopt this, our diet will soon become known as a VEGAN diet, and we should aspire to the rank of VEGANS. [The Vegan News, No. 1, November 1944]
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vegan (n.)1944,可能是基于 Vegan 的变形;由英国素食主义者唐纳德·沃森(Donald Watson,1910-2005)创造,用于区分那些不吃所有动物产品(鸡蛋、奶酪等)的人和那些仅仅拒绝吃动物的人。 “素食主义者”和“水果主义者”已经与允许牛和家禽的“水果”(!)的社会联系在一起,因此看来我们必须创造一个新的合适的词。由于我们期刊的第一期必须命名,所以我使用了标题“素食新闻”。如果我们采用这一点,我们的饮食很快就会被称为纯素食饮食,我们应该向往纯素食的行列。 [The Vegan News,第 1 期,1944 年 11 月] 相关条目及更多内容

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