单词详解 | quarantine

英音/ ˈkwɒrəntiːn / 美音/ ˈkwɔːrəntiːn /


He said it was “madness” but he had to “overrule” initial advice not to quarantine people coming in from China.

The Leningrad region’s veterinary medicine department said the ponies had been examined and placed in quarantine.

Mr Hancock said he had to overrule initial advice not to quarantine people being brought back from Wuhan early in the pandemic, and that everybody in the Western world missed that lockdowns would be necessary.

isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease


Starting in the 16th century, a quarantine lasted specifically 40 days. The word is in fact derived from the Latin quadraginta, which means “forty.” Originally, this referred to the amount of time a widow could remain in her deceased husband’s house, then referred to the period of time a ship had to wait off a country’s port if its passengers were disease-stricken. Now, it can mean a period of isolation of any length, and can be used as both a verb and a noun.

Starting in the 16th century, a quarantine lasted specifically 40 days. The word is in fact derived from the Latin quadraginta, which means “forty.” Originally, this referred to the amount of time a widow could remain in her deceased husband’s house, then referred to the period of time a ship had to wait off a country’s port if its passengers were disease-stricken. Now, it can mean a period of isolation of any length, and can be used as both a verb and a noun.

“Anyway, in this story was all these people trapped inside their own town because the plague attacks them and they are put into quarantine.”
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline

Had he been quarantined, infected with some sleeping sickness?
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

“You can’t come in here. The boy’s under quarantine. He could be infectious.”
City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda

quarantine (n.)1660s, “period a ship suspected of carrying contagious disease is kept in isolation,” from Italian quaranta giorni, literally “space of forty days,” from quaranta “forty,” from Latin quadraginta “forty” (related to quattuor “four,” from PIE root *kwetwer- “four”).
The name is from the Venetian policy (first enforced in 1377) of keeping ships from plague-stricken countries waiting off its port for 40 days to assure that no latent cases were aboard. Also see lazaretto. The extended sense of “any period of forced isolation” is from 1670s.
Earlier in English the word meant “period of 40 days in which a widow has the right to remain in her dead husband’s house” (1520s), and, as quarentyne (15c.), “desert in which Christ fasted for 40 days,” from Latin quadraginta “forty.”Related entries & more

检疫(n.)1660年代,“怀疑携带传染病的船只被隔离的时期”,来自意大利语quaranta giorni,字面意思是“四十天的空间”,来自quaranta“四十”,来自拉丁语quadraginta“四十”(与quattuor“四”,来自 PIE 词根 *kwetwer-“四”)。该名称源自威尼斯政策(于 1377 年首次实施),该政策要求来自瘟疫肆虐国家的船只在港口等待 40 天,以确保船上没有潜伏病例。另见拉扎雷托。 “任何时期的强制隔离”的延伸意义是从1670年代开始的。早期的英语中,这个词的意思是“寡妇有权留在她已故丈夫的房子里的 40 天”(1520 年代),而 quarentyne(15 世纪)则是“基督禁食 40 天的沙漠”,源自拉丁语quadraginta“四十”。相关条目及更多

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