单词详解 | harem

英音/ ˈhɑːriːm; ˈhɑːrəm / 美音/ ˈhærəm /


Before he lost his sight, he well known as a stallion who fought for his harem of mares.
Washington Times

She points out Montagu’s antisemitism and her apparent approval, during a long sojourn in Istanbul, of harem life and enslavement among the Ottoman Turks.
Washington Post

To hear her tell it, there was a “harem of girls” around him that night.
Washington Post

living quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household


Technically a harem is just a living space for women in a society that tends to separate men and women, but when we use harem, we’re often using it in the sense of a room full of women that serve someone powerful, often in a sexual way. Harem can also be used to refer to any flock of doting, servile people that surround someone. A star musician might be surrounded by a harem of devoted fans…really devoted fans.

Technically a harem is just a living space for women in a society that tends to separate men and women, but when we use harem, we’re often using it in the sense of a room full of women that serve someone powerful, often in a sexual way. Harem can also be used to refer to any flock of doting, servile people that surround someone. A star musician might be surrounded by a harem of devoted fans…really devoted fans.

Some days our interactions felt like he was trying really hard to overcompensate for that first error, for thinking my parents were about to ship me off to a harem or something.
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi

“The Emperor does have a harem, right? Because that’s the only reason I took the oath—” She shoves me—practically off the roof—and I beg for mercy.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Only I wouldn’t ever let myself be shut up in a harem.”
The Early Life and Adventures of Sylvia Scarlett by MacKenzie, Compton

harem (n.)1630s, “part of a Middle Eastern house reserved for women,” from Turkish harem, from Arabic haram “wives and concubines,” originally “women’s quarters,” literally “something forbidden or kept safe,” from root of harama “he guarded, forbade.” From 1784 in English as “wives, female relatives and female slaves in a Middle Eastern household.” The harem-skirt was introduced in fashion 1911. Harem pants attested from 1921; fashionable c. 1944. An earlier word for them (in a Middle Eastern/Balkan context) was bag-trousers (1849).Related entries & more

harem (n.)1630s,“为妇女保留的中东房屋的一部分”,源自土耳其语 harem,源自阿拉伯语 haram“妻子和小妾”,最初是“妇女的住所”,字面意思是“禁止或安全的东西”,源自harama“他守护,禁止。”从 1784 年起,在英语中意为“中东家庭中的妻子、女性亲戚和女奴隶”。哈伦裙于 1911 年引入时尚界。哈伦裤于 1921 年得到证实;时尚 C. 1944 年。它们的早期用词(在中东/巴尔干语境中)是 bag-trousers (1849)。相关条目及更多

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