英音/ ˈfrætənaɪz / 美音/ ˈfrætərnaɪz /
Shay said employees “weren’t allowed to fraternize with members” and Mayer was a New York member at the time.
—Fox News
After a couple of cold, drizzly January days — very un-Villagelike, residents keep assuring me — people are eager to fraternize once more.
—New York Times
She added that when “leaders meet with, encourage and fraternize with domestic terrorists, they legitimize their actions and they are complicit.”
—Fox News
be on friendly terms with someone, as if with a brother, especially with an enemy
As your wives or girlfriends would be quick to tell you, there’s an undercurrent of misbehavior to the term fraternize. At its most harmless, it means a kind of wild frat house behavior (frat or fraternity also coming from the Latin term fraternus, meaning “brotherly.”). At its worst, there’s an implication of illegality or skullduggery, as in the common phrase “fraternizing with the enemy.” So party on, but don’t be a traitor.
As your wives or girlfriends would be quick to tell you, there’s an undercurrent of misbehavior to the term fraternize. At its most harmless, it means a kind of wild frat house behavior (frat or fraternity also coming from the Latin term fraternus, meaning “brotherly.”). At its worst, there’s an implication of illegality or skullduggery, as in the common phrase “fraternizing with the enemy.” So party on, but don’t be a traitor.
The English family soon fraternized with that of Jean Baudin, the Flemish painter, also sojourning there, and the only other resident guests.
这个英国家庭很快就与佛兰德斯画家让·鲍丹(Jean Baudin)的家族建立了兄弟般的关系,后者也是唯一的常驻客人。
—The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6
A Monthly Eclectic Magazine by Rameur, E.
“Because someone’ll hear you been fraternizing with roustabouts and chuck you—or more likely these guys—off this thing,” he says.
—Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
The rules Du Barry made me swallow down about fraternizing with men and boys outside of beauty work vanish.
—The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton
fraternize (v.)1610s, “to sympathize as brothers,” from French fraterniser, from Medieval Latin fraternizare, from Latin fraternus “brotherly” (see fraternity). Military sense of “cultivate friendship with enemy troops” is from 1897 (used in World War I with reference to the Christmas Truce). Used oddly in World War II armed forces jargon to mean “have sex with women from enemy countries” as a violation of military discipline.
A piece of frat, Wren-language for any attractive young woman — ex-enemy — in occupied territory. [John Irving, “Royal Navalese,” 1946]
Related: Fraternized; fraternizing.Related entries & more
fraternize (v.)1610s,“像兄弟一样同情”,源自法语 fraterniser,源自中世纪拉丁语 fraternizare,源自拉丁语 fraternus “兄弟般的”(参见兄弟会)。军事意义上的“与敌军培养友谊”源自1897年(用于第一次世界大战,参考圣诞节休战)。在第二次世界大战的武装部队行话中,它被奇怪地用来表示“与敌国妇女发生性关系”,这是违反军事纪律的行为。这是一篇兄弟会的雷恩语言,适合被占领土上任何有魅力的年轻女性——前敌人。 [约翰·欧文,《皇家海军》,1946 年] 相关:兄弟情谊;兄弟情谊。相关条目及更多
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