单词详解 | recluse

英音/ rɪˈkluːs / 美音/ ˈrekluːs /


“The ‘culture’ of shame in Korea makes it more difficult for recluses to talk about their problems,” Mr Yoo said.

His concussion, he said, had caused his personality to change and turned him into a “self-imposed recluse” who got confused and felt unsafe.
New York Times

In his reserve, he left some observers with the incorrect impression that he was a recluse.
Washington Post

one who lives in solitude


In the early 13th century, a recluse was a person who shut out the world to go meditate on religious issues. But nowadays recluses can think about whatever they want while they’re sitting in solitude — they’re simply people who shy away from social interaction and live secluded lives. Or think of the Brown Recluse spider, who likes to hide out in dark old boots or undisturbed corners of the basement.

In the early 13th century, a recluse was a person who shut out the world to go meditate on religious issues. But nowadays recluses can think about whatever they want while they’re sitting in solitude — they’re simply people who shy away from social interaction and live secluded lives. Or think of the Brown Recluse spider, who likes to hide out in dark old boots or undisturbed corners of the basement.

A form nearer to the Greek original, “anachoret,” is sometimes used of the early Christian recluses in the East.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 3
“Helmont, Jean” to “Hernosand” by Various

It was a beautiful morning when we started, and on the way we passed one or two small monasteries and numerous cells where hermits and recluses were living in retirement and meditation.
Mount Everest the Reconnaissance, 1921 by Howard-Bury, Charles Kenneth

My mother was born ten minutes before my aunt Julia, who seemed to have become some sort of a recluse that summer, rarely leaving her house and, according to my mom, “stinking to high heaven.”
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley

recluse (n.)c. 1200, “person shut up or withdrawn from the world and secular living for purposes of religious meditation,” originally and especially as a member of a religious community, from Old French reclus (fem. recluse) “hermit, recluse,” also “confinement, prison; convent, monastery,” noun use of reclus (adj.) “shut up,” from Late Latin reclusus, past participle of recludere “to shut up, enclose” (but in classical Latin “to throw open”), from Latin re-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see re-), + claudere “to shut” (see close (v.)).
Also in part via Medieval Latin nouns reclusus, reclusa. By late 17c. in the secular and softened sense of “one who lives a retired life and mixes little in society.” Middle English also had a verb reclusen “to shut up (in some place), confine,” and the past-participle adjective reclused “living in seclusion” (c. 1200). Recluse as an adjective meaning “shut up or apart from the world” is attested from early 13c. Also in Middle English was reclusion “state of retirement from the world” (c. 1400), from Medieval Latin reclusionem.Related entries & more

隐士 (n.)c. 1200,“出于宗教冥想的目的而与世界和世俗生活隔绝或退出的人”,最初特别是作为宗教团体的成员,源自古法语 reclus (fem. recluse) “隐士,隐士”,也“禁闭” ,监狱;修道院,修道院,”名词使用 reclus (adj.)“闭嘴”,来自后期拉丁语 reclusus,relucrere 的过去分词“闭嘴,围起来”(但在古典拉丁语中“打开”),来自拉丁语 re-,这里可能是一个密集前缀(参见 re-),+ claudere“关闭”(参见 close (v.))。也部分来自中世纪拉丁语名词reclusus、reclusa。到 17 世纪末。在世俗和柔和的意义上,“一个过着退休生活、很少参与社会的人”。中古英语也有动词 reclusen “(在某个地方)闭嘴、限制”,以及过去分词形容词 reclused “隐居生活”(约 1200 年)。 Recluse 是一个形容词,意思是“闭嘴或与世隔绝”,这一点从 13 世纪早期就得到了证实。在中古英语中,reclusion 是“从世界退休的状态”(约 1400 年),源自中世纪拉丁语 reclusionem。相关条目及更多内容

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