单词详解 | fudge

英音/ fʌdʒ / 美音/ fʌdʒ /


November 2021: Mr. Raffensperger, in a book, writes: “For the office of the secretary of state to ‘recalculate’ would mean we would somehow have to fudge the numbers.
2021 年 11 月:拉芬斯佩格先生在一本书中写道:“国务卿办公室‘重新计算’意味着我们将不得不以某种方式捏造数字。
New York Times

In her office’s opening statement, Wallace placed Trump squarely at the center of the alleged financial fudging: “Every estimate was determined by Mr. Trump.”
Washington Times

Here sources have indicated to the BBC that there will be “fudge” in those areas which have, ultimately, proved less totemic than the Irish Sea trade border and governance.

soft creamy candy
法奇软糖,乳脂软糖(用糖、黄油和牛奶制成);敷衍,装模作样(没有真正解决问题)(a fudge);<美>浓巧克力(尤用作蛋糕的馅或冰淇淋调味品);<古>胡说,废话;插入报纸版面的最新消息;(报纸付印前为最新要闻留出的)空白处

cook,fake,falsify,manipulate,misrepresent,wangle,circumvent,dodge,duck,elude,evade,hedge,parry,put off,sidestep,skirt

While fudge comes in many different flavors, it’s usually chocolate. In the US, another kind of fudge is smooth, melted chocolate that can be poured over the top of ice cream. When fudge is a verb, it means to avoid straightforwardly answering a question or addressing a subject: “Just answer my question and don’t fudge the issue!” Fudge is an American word from college slang meaning “a made-up story.”

While fudge comes in many different flavors, it’s usually chocolate. In the US, another kind of fudge is smooth, melted chocolate that can be poured over the top of ice cream. When fudge is a verb, it means to avoid straightforwardly answering a question or addressing a subject: “Just answer my question and don’t fudge the issue!” Fudge is an American word from college slang meaning “a made-up story.”
虽然软糖有多种不同的口味,但通常是巧克力。在美国,另一种软糖是光滑的融化巧克力,可以倒在冰淇淋上。当 fudge 是动词时,意味着避免直接回答问题或讨论主题:“只回答我的问题,不要回避问题!” Fudge 是一个美国单词,源自大学俚语,意思是“编造的故事”。

He offered their new friend a corner of the fudge on the edge of his greased knife, and showed him the trick that he always performed for anyone when he wished to be liked.
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers

My stomach began to feel queasy around all that hot fudge as I got ready to tell the story.
Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles

I met him once for thirty minutes, and he made six puns and said “oh, fudge” twice.
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli

fudge (v.)”put together clumsily or dishonestly,” by 1771 (perhaps from 17c.); perhaps an alteration of fadge “make suit, fit” (1570s), a verb of unknown origin. The verb fudge later had an especial association with sailors and log books. The traditional story of the origin of the interjection fudge “lies! nonsense!” (1766; see fudge (n.2)) traces it to a sailor’s retort to anything considered lies or nonsense, from Captain Fudge, “who always brought home his owners a good cargo of lies” [Isaac Disraeli, 1791, citing a pamphlet from 1700]. It seems there really was a late 17c. Captain Fudge, called “Lying Fudge,” and perhaps his name reinforced this form of fadge in the sense of “contrive without the necessary materials.” The surname is from Fuche, a pet form of the masc. proper name Fulcher, from Germanic and meaning literally “people-army.”Related entries & more

fudge (v.)“笨拙地或不诚实地组合在一起”,到 1771 年(可能从 17 世纪开始);也许是 fadge“makesuit,fit”(1570 年代)的变形,这是一个来源不明的动词。动词“fudge”后来与水手和航海日志有着特殊的联系。感叹词软糖的起源的传统故事“谎言!胡言乱语!” (1766;参见福吉(n.2))将其追溯到水手对任何被认为是谎言或胡言乱语的反驳,来自福吉船长,“他总是把他的主人带回家一大堆谎言”[Isaac Disraeli,1791,引用一本小册子从 1700 年起]。看来确实有17世纪后期。福吉船长,被称为“说谎的福吉”,也许他的名字强化了这种福吉形式,即“在没有必要材料的情况下进行设计”。这个姓氏来自Fuche,是masc的宠物形式。专有名称 Fulcher,来自日耳曼语,字面意思是“人民军队”。相关条目及更多

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