英音/ rɪˈdʌndənt / 美音/ rɪˈdʌndənt /
Ms Thomas, who was made redundant while on maternity leave, said the cost of daily childcare since having Avery had risen by £12.
休产假期间被解雇的托马斯女士表示,自从有了艾弗里以来,日常育儿费用增加了 12 英镑。
A window and door firm has made about 680 of its workers redundant after it fell into administration.
一家门窗公司在破产后已裁掉约 680 名员工。
“The decision was made to to close the site here in November last year, everybody was made redundant – the factory closed and the business stopped,” he said.
“去年 11 月决定关闭这里的工厂,每个人都被裁员——工厂关闭,业务停止,”他说。
more than is needed, desired, or required
<英> 被解雇的,被裁员的;多余的,累赘的;(为预防机器或系统中主要组件故障而设的)复置装置的,备用的
Teachers often tell students to avoid being redundant — meaning avoid saying something twice or more. Have you ever heard someone tell a story and repeat the same thing over and over? The repeated parts are redundant. Sometimes being redundant can make things clear, but it can also be annoying. Redundant can apply to anything that’s overflowing or unnecessary. If a business has two stores on the same street, one is redundant. When you hear redundant, think “Too much!”
Teachers often tell students to avoid being redundant — meaning avoid saying something twice or more. Have you ever heard someone tell a story and repeat the same thing over and over? The repeated parts are redundant. Sometimes being redundant can make things clear, but it can also be annoying. Redundant can apply to anything that’s overflowing or unnecessary. If a business has two stores on the same street, one is redundant. When you hear redundant, think “Too much!”
I had safeguard after redundant safeguard in place to prevent detection.
—Burning Blue by Paul Griffin
But the sound was unmistakable, and when Harrison shouted, “Enemy plane, sah!” his words felt redundant.
—Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The two gallons of pop had me squirming in my seat for the last sixty minutes of redundant nonsense, and I practically sprinted to the can when the film finally collapsed.
—Anthem of a Reluctant Prophet by Joanne Proulx
redundant (adj.)”superfluous, exceeding what is natural or necessary,” c. 1600, from Latin redundantem (nominative redundans), present participle of redundare, literally “overflow, pour over; be over-full;” figuratively “be in excess,” from re- “again” (see re-) + undare “rise in waves,” from unda “a wave” (from PIE *unda-, nasalized form of root *wed- (1) “water; wet”).
Also sometimes in 17c. in a more positive sense, “abounding to excess or fullness, exuberant, plentiful,” e.g. in “Paradise Lost,” though what he meant by it here is anyone’s guess:
With burnished neck of verdant gold, erect
Amidst his circling spires that on the grass
Floated redundant.
Of persons, in employment situations by 1928, chiefly British. Related: Redundantly. As a verb, redund has been tried at least once (1904); the etymological corresponding verb is the Frenchified redound.Related entries & more
多余的(形容词)“多余的,超出自然或必要的” c. 1600,源自拉丁语redundare(主格redundans),redundare的现在分词,字面意思是“溢出,倾倒;溢出;”比喻性地“过度”,来自 re-“再次”(参见 re-)+ undare“波浪中的上升”,来自 unda“波浪”(来自 PIE *unda-,根 *wed- (1) 的鼻化形式)水;湿”)。有时也出现在 17c 中。在更积极的意义上,“充满过剩或丰满,生机勃勃,充足”,例如在“失乐园”中,尽管他在这里的意思是任何人的猜测:带着青翠的金光闪闪的脖子,直立在他盘旋的尖顶中间草飘浮多余。到 1928 年,处于就业状态的人中,主要是英国人。相关:冗余。作为动词,redund 至少被尝试过一次(1904 年);词源对应的动词是法语化的 redound。相关条目及更多
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