英音/ snɪp / 美音/ snɪp /
This snipping of Queen Victoria’s hair is encased in a gold locket and could be yours for an estimated £500.
这幅维多利亚女王剪下的头发被装在一个金挂坠盒中,估价 500 英镑即可归您所有。
Newcastle United’s new era of riches under their Saudi Arabian owners has brought fresh ambition and big spending – but the £10m handed over to Burnley for Nick Pope looks like a snip.
纽卡斯尔联队在沙特阿拉伯老板的带领下开启了新的财富时代,带来了新的雄心和巨额支出——但为尼克·波普交给伯恩利的 1000 万英镑看起来只是小菜一碟。
She will eventually snip off enough fleece for her project — along with wee bits of several fingers.
—Washington Post
sever or remove by pinching or snipping
clip,nip,nip off,snip off,clip,crop,cut back,dress,lop,prune,trim,clip,clipping,snippet,snipping
A gardener snips dead blooms from a plant so new ones can grow, and a dog groomer carefully snips the hair covering your terrier’s face so she can see where she’s going. Snip is also a noun: “I saved a snip of the baby’s hair to put in your scrapbook.” The noun came first, initially meaning “a small piece of cut out cloth.” In the 16th century, it was also a common nickname for a tailor.
A gardener snips dead blooms from a plant so new ones can grow, and a dog groomer carefully snips the hair covering your terrier’s face so she can see where she’s going. Snip is also a noun: “I saved a snip of the baby’s hair to put in your scrapbook.” The noun came first, initially meaning “a small piece of cut out cloth.” In the 16th century, it was also a common nickname for a tailor.
园丁剪掉植物上枯死的花朵,以便新的花朵能够生长,狗美容师小心地剪掉遮盖梗犬脸上的毛发,这样她就可以看到自己要去的地方。 Snip 也是一个名词:“我保存了婴儿头发的一部分,放在你的剪贴簿中。”这个名词首先出现,最初的意思是“一小块剪下来的布”。在16世纪,它也是裁缝的常见绰号。
Palmer was about to throw his vote to baseball when suddenly the sunlight was briefly snipped, as if a page had been turned in front of a lightbulb.
—Wringer by Jerry Spinelli
She wound my braid into a tight ball, then arranged and snipped the loose silk strands until they fell into a neat tassel.
—The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
I took the scissors out of the sewing basket in the kitchen and snipped the threads of the hem of my cloak.
—Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
snip (n.)1550s, “small piece of cloth cut off or out,” probably from Dutch or Low German snippen “to snip, shred,” which is of imitative origin. The meaning “a single cut made by shears or scissors” is from 1590s. Figurative of a small amount of anything from 1580s. As a nickname or cant word for a tailor, 1590s.Related entries & more
snip (n.)1550年代,“剪下或切掉的一小块布”,可能源自荷兰语或低地德语 snippen “剪断、撕碎”,这是模仿起源。 “用剪子或剪刀进行一次切割”的意思来自 1590 年代。比喻 1580 年代的少量物品。作为 1590 年代裁缝的昵称或俚语。相关条目及更多
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