英音/ speɪd / 美音/ speɪd /
“We think Sydney lacks subtlety, and The Real Housewives of Sydney deals that in overwhelming spades.”
—The Guardian
Campaign events, fundraisers, mailings and advertisements — which county voters saw in spades during a historically crowded Democratic primary — promise to continue through Nov. 6.
竞选活动、筹款活动、邮件和广告——在历来拥挤的民主党初选中,县选民们都看到了这些——承诺将持续到 11 月 6 日。
—Washington Post
An enthusiastic player of bid whist — a card game often compared to spades — Clark joined in tournaments, near and far.
—Washington Post
a sturdy hand shovel that can be pushed into the earth with the foot
In addition to a small digging tool, a spade is also a suit of playing card — the black one that looks a bit like an upside-down heart. There’s even a card game called “Spades” in which a spade has a higher value than any other suit. The two meanings have different roots; the card suit spade comes from the Greek spathe, and the little shovel kind of spade has Proto-Germanic roots that mean “flat piece of wood.”
In addition to a small digging tool, a spade is also a suit of playing card — the black one that looks a bit like an upside-down heart. There’s even a card game called “Spades” in which a spade has a higher value than any other suit. The two meanings have different roots; the card suit spade comes from the Greek spathe, and the little shovel kind of spade has Proto-Germanic roots that mean “flat piece of wood.”
From oranges and tangerines to grapefruit, lemons and limes — they’re all available in spades now through late spring, brightening the culinary landscape while tickling our taste buds.
—Brighten winter meals with fresh citrus by ???
In the apartment were at least four dozen small packets variously stamped with the ace of hearts and others with the ace of spades, two law enforcement officials said Monday.
两名执法官员周一表示,公寓里至少有四打小包裹,上面分别印有红桃 A 和黑桃 A。
—Official: Heroin in packets in Hoffman’s NY home by ???
But McCall Smith calls them “entertainments,” and the stories provide that in spades.
—The return of McCall Smith’s impressively obtuse professor by ???
spade (n.1)”tool for digging having a thick blade for pressing into the ground,” Old English spadu “spade,” from Proto-Germanic *spadan (source also of Old Frisian spada “a spade,” Middle Dutch spade “a sword,” Old Saxon spado, Middle Low German spade, German Spaten).
This is reconstructed to be from PIE *spe-dh- (source also of Greek spathē “wooden blade, paddle”), which as a suffixed form has been grouped under a root *speh-, “with several extensions, denoting quite different implements” (Boutkan) but basically indicating “long, flat piece of wood” (source also of Old English spon “chip of wood, splinter,” Old Norse spann “shingle, chip;” see spoon (n.)).
“A spade differs from a two-handed shovel chiefly in the form and thickness of the blade” [Century Dictionary].
To call a spade a spade “use blunt language, call things by right names even if homely or coarse” (1540s) translates a Greek proverb (known to Lucian), ten skaphen skaphen legein “to call a bowl a bowl,” but Erasmus mistook Greek skaphē “trough, bowl” for a derivative of the stem of skaptein “to dig,” and the mistake has stuck [see OED].
Various unnecessary conjectures have been made as to the supposed occult origin of this phrase ; but it means what it says—to call a simple thing by its simple name, without circumlocution or affected elegance. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
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铲 (n.1)“用于挖掘的工具,具有厚刀片,用于压入地面”,古英语 spadu “铲子”,源自原始日耳曼语 *spadan(也源自古弗里斯兰语 spada “一把铲子”、“中荷兰语铲子”)剑”,古撒克逊 spado,中低地德语 spaten,德语 Spaten)。它被重建为 PIE *spe-dh-(也源自希腊语 spathē“木刀片,桨”),它作为后缀形式被分组在根 *speh- 下,“有几个扩展,表示完全不同的工具”(Boutkan),但基本上表示“长而扁平的木头”(也源自古英语 spon“木片,碎片”,古挪威语 spann“木瓦,碎片;”参见 Spoon (n.))。 “铲子与双手铲的不同之处主要在于刀片的形状和厚度”[世纪词典]。直言不讳“使用直白的语言,用正确的名称称呼事物,即使是普通的或粗俗的”(1540年代)翻译了希腊谚语(卢西恩所知道的),十个skaphen skaphenlegein“称碗为碗”,但伊拉斯谟将希腊语 skaphē“槽、碗”误认为是 skaptein 词干“挖掘”的派生词,这个错误一直存在[参见《牛津英语词典》]。对于这个短语的神秘起源,人们做出了各种不必要的猜测。但它的意思就是它所说的——用简单的名字来称呼一个简单的东西,没有迂回或矫揉造作的优雅。 [世纪词典,1895] 相关条目及更多
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