单词详解 | pious

英音/ ˈpaɪəs / 美音/ ˈpaɪəs /


They were as pious about their beliefs as any theologian.
Washington Times

By then, Mr. Khan had embraced a pious form of Islam and sought to transform his personal image.
New York Times

Officials issue pious sentiments and attend prayer vigils for communities and families hollowed out by grief and literally walking in fear as they await the next deadly encounter.
Washington Post

having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity


Pious comes from the Latin pius, which means dutiful. It doesn’t always have to be used to talk about organized religion. If someone believes deeply in something, and lets everyone see it through their behavior, then they are pious, whether they’re pious Christians or pious environmentalists. It differs from its synonym devout, which implies deep religious sentiment, whereas pious emphasizes the public display of feeling.

Pious comes from the Latin pius, which means dutiful. It doesn’t always have to be used to talk about organized religion. If someone believes deeply in something, and lets everyone see it through their behavior, then they are pious, whether they’re pious Christians or pious environmentalists. It differs from its synonym devout, which implies deep religious sentiment, whereas pious emphasizes the public display of feeling.
虔诚源自拉丁语 pius,意思是尽职尽责。它并不总是必须用来谈论有组织的宗教。如果一个人深深地相信某件事,并让每个人通过他们的行为看到它,那么他就是虔诚的,无论他是虔诚的基督徒还是虔诚的环保主义者。它与同义词“虔诚”不同,“虔诚”暗示着深厚的宗教情感,而“虔诚”则强调公开表达情感。

I yawned, uninspired yet again by the pious and beautiful Susanna.
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

“Lord forbidding is pious, but not to the purpose,” returned Mr. Jaggers.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Any one could see with half an eye that the woman was as pious as could be—the kind that was hand and glove with parsons.
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

pious (adj.)mid-15c., “having or intended to show faith in and reverence for the Supreme Being,” from Latin pius “dutiful, devout, conscientious, religious; faithful to kindred; inspired by friendship, prompted by natural affections,” perhaps [de Vaan, Klein] related to Latin purus “pure, clean,” via a PIE *pu-io- “purifying” (see pure), but the exact development is disputed.The classical Roman sense of “having or exhibiting due respect and affection for parents and others to whom such is due” is attested in English from 1620s. In the religious sense, sometimes denoting practice under pretense of religion or for good ends (1630s) and in this sense often coupled with fraud (n.). Related: Piously; piousness.Related entries & more

pious (adj.)mid-15c.,“具有或意图表现出对至高无上者的信仰和尊敬”,源自拉丁语 pius“尽职的,虔诚的,尽责的,宗教的;忠实于亲属;受到友谊的启发,受到自然情感的推动,”也许[de Vaan, Klein]通过 PIE *pu-io-“净化”(参见“纯粹”)与拉丁语 purus“纯净、干净”相关,但确切的发展是有争议的。古典罗马意义上的“具有或”对父母和其他应有的人表现出应有的尊重和感情”从 1620 年代开始在英语中得到证实。在宗教意义上,有时表示以宗教为幌子或为了良好目的而进行的实践(1630年代),在这个意义上通常与欺诈相结合(n.)。相关: 虔诚地;虔诚。相关条目及更多

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